Poll: What is your favorite game mode in WoW?

While I like raiding, I also like to create an actual character in the world; creating a realistic background for a character I’ve chosen to play throughout the expansions.


I picked “Other” because honestly, as a roleplayer and mog enthusiast, most of what I do in endgame is to better enable myself to go back into older raids and collect appearances. I’m loaded on alts, and I try and gear each of them as I’m able to so I can go through different old raids.


Wish original wrath raids were an option


Same. I enjoy world quests & adventuring, and I also enjoy soloing old dungeons & raids.


I’m a social player, I play WoW to play with my friends. Raiding has always been the focus of social, team-based play, and remains so today. I just wish you would let Mythic scale from 10-30 players like all the other modes, so that I could play with all my friends on the team instead of some having to wait outside.


I wanted to select 2 items as I equally enjoy mythics and outdoor questing.

Letting us select all the activities we like to do instead of just one would be a much more accurate representation of what players like.

And while I have your attention, tone down mechanics in the game. Having to dodge fire and target swap every other gcd is starting to get old and frustrating.


I vote mythic+ because even though it is hard for me to get the groups sometimes, I like the fun level system. I also like when my friends are online and we can play it together. The only thing that could possibly make it better for me now is the ability to summon tank or healer npc teammates when someone has to go or if all your friends want to play dps (and you do as well).


Former retail player here.

Wrapped up SL S2 and S3 in top 2% of M+ players per RIO statistics (season summary). I had a blast.

Suffered a wrist injury and I had to stop plating fast-paced M+. Pain became unbearable after sub 100 APM BrM & Outlaw.
Play Classic full time now. This is my main. Rolling with Valanyr. Having a blast.

Super excited to all future Xpacs with slight changes Classic can bring!

My vote goes to Classic Wrath raiding!


Collecting pets, toys, mounts and t-mogs out in the open world.


I always like raiding, its nice to do something with guildmates in large group. Downside of Mythic raiding is that you need 20 people and burn out can happen and that really can hurt your progression. I wish we can address that.


I agree – add LFD/RDF to LKClassic


Wrath Classic+ please, Classes are more fun to play in wrath then vanilla.


Anything i can do solo. Group play is the worst


I feel like this poll is vary vague with so many options present. I selected classic era thinking it covers everything wotlk and classic.

We need classic+ ala turtlewow style of additional content once wrath finishes


Pandaria challenge mode dungeons


I was hoping for a PvP in general thing but I didn’t see one. And the hope behind me pointing it out would be that PvP actually needs some desperate attention to make the mode more fun. The CC changes will help but if we go through another season of 2’s and 3’s being dead and RSS is over inflated, along with all the other issues, it’s just not gonna be fun this time around.

PvP needs more aggressive tuning and needs to be looked at more thoroughly more often.


It’s a shame there was no option for challenging solo stuff like Brawlers, Mage Tower, Torghast etc because that would have been my choice.


If time were limitless, I’d play all modes as much as I could.

As it stands currently, I can only really enjoy the questing. That way I don’t upset anyone who is serious in a dungeon or a raid. My PVP skills are dismal.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


I selected outdoor questing/leveling because at the end of the day I’m a collector and this seemed to fit best? I really only raid for achievements, transmogs, mounts, playing with friends, etc. It’s not about the gear ilvls, the prestige or challenge of being world/server first, or any of that. The same goes for Mythic +.

If neither of those things were possible for me to do anymore, I would still have plenty to do via leveling alts and collecting all the things.


I like classic era dungeons, classic era hardcore, classic plus if possible, wrath with more changes to classes , wrath raiding, RDF for normal leveling dungeons and basic heroics in wrath, and possible upcoming cata classic with changes and challenges.