(Poll) PvP Vendors in 8.2?

Do you want pvp vendors in 8.2 ?


all the pvp devs play dh so they are blind and will never see this


sup we quein ?

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Doesnt matter. The devs dont read these forums. PLUS they think we cant handle vendors and will buy the wrong things or get lost to the vendor. Also cause Marvel Film critic.

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Won’t happen.

As long as PVE doesn’t have a specific gear vendor (outside of Azerite), it’s not happening. The reason we don’t have vendors is they don’t want PVE players feeling like they might have to PVP for a specific piece of gear. Since PVE is RNG, PVP will continue to be RNG as well. Sucks, but that’s just how it is. When PVE had tokens, it made sense, at least as blizzard is concerned, to have PVP vendors.

In wrath, PVE players complained the best route for a weapon was through PVP. Since that point, they have tried to make the situation better, but in the end, PVP just continues to suffer and take a back seat to PVE. I would assume that will never change, though they could make the current system better.

That said, I’d rather they explain how gear actually works in PVP first. There isn’t a single post or page that explains exactly how gear works in PVP. I played against a monk with 60k health the other day and he did almost as much damage my 405 alt hunter… i had almost 4 times as much health as him. Makes 0 sense.


I never understood why PvP vendors were ever removed. You do rated PvP to collect conquest and spend your conquest on gear that fit your stat priority. Now it is all RNG and does not feel rewarding at all.


They’d never want to force PvErs and vice versa to do the other’s content to get the most out the game.

Why should you have to PvP if youre a PvEr for a piece if there were vendors when PvPers can PvP for artifact power, residuum, OP procs and absorbs, do world quests for Conquest etc

…wait thats not right



They literally just swept the question about scaling under the rug.

Then streamers and tournament players came into threads saying, “I don’t see people abusing it anymore so who cares lul.”

Meanwhile we’re this far into the expac without an answer to a question that should have been answered in alpha.

Actually, it should never have been a question in the first place. It should have been laid out and properly explained to their paying customers.

Instead they tell us 2+2=4 minus 1 = 3.

Blizzard you are a joke.

God, that percentage difference rip

we all want the vendors, unfortunately we are all too simple to find them. its way to challenging of a game mechanic! don’t you guys remember how hard it was to locate these vendors!


Love to see posts incorporating polls that players can vote on. Runescape devs do this for the community all the time.

I would love to see Blizzard let the community vote on features/changes etc instead of just deciding for us when it’s something that nobody wants.

Ex: On the 8.2 PTR they’ve spent a ton of time and resources to bring Ashran back when I’m pretty sure nobody asked for it or wants to play it anyways.


Interestingly enough, I was just watching whazz and Raiku talked about this for a minute.

Whazz had 10 or something ilvl lower than Raiku, and they both opened up their DPS meters from the last arena.

Raiku’s Damage was higher on his own meter, and showed different max hits and numbers compared to Whazz’s dps meter.

So your DPS meters are taking into account scaling based on your ilvl. (Higher ilvl, higher scaling.) Meaning the Monks damage was inflated on your screen, because your gear is better. (Possibly.)

If this sounds confusing, it’s because it is. How does it work? What does it mean? Why are there different numbers on different screens for the same ability?

and dont forget how easy it is to buy the wrong trinkets and rings. :roll_eyes::laughing:

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It wouldn’t be the meters. It’s the logs. That’s the data blizzard is sending over. But yea, something is clearly going on. Blizzard not being upfront about it is the crappy part.

iI’ll be queuing Ashran, especially if they make the WOD pvp achievements available in there again.

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I don’t know why I voted but it was nice for a moment to feel like my opinion matters.


I started a discussion about this in GD if anyone is interested:

10/10 for relevance