Poll over here

Why? Because there are many who play like this is a lobby game. There are many who complain about having to level at all, and try to speed through it as fast as they can. Many who would rather not have story or quests. All they want is dungeons/raids/pvp and none of the rest. They want to sit in town and wait for their queues to pop. They don’t want to go out and engage with the world. Those people, will destroy the game if they get their way.

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no god no i used to in legion when story was still good

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I want housing.

Yes, I still read quests.

I always start off with good intentions…


They could literally be Taylor Swift song lyrics, and I wouldn’t notice.

Whats amusing to me is those that refuse to read the quest , but then instantly go to wowhead and read how to/where to complete it, then they complain about how WoW has no RPG element or engaging story.

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Gotta know what’s goin on if i’m to accept the quest or not.
Chillibean ain’t gonna accept a quest to hit bunnies or somethin.
:beverage_box: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

your poll link is broken so i’ll answer here, for the first time doing a quest i haven’t done before? Yes all the time. For a quest I have done before going through alts, no i do not.

I thought polls were not allowed on the forums.

Yes, but tbh they generally just repeat what they just told you with voice acting immediately after you finish reading it

It’s their forum, they can post a poll if they want to. The rule is for us.

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i skimp through it i only read all of it when its story stuff i like tbh

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My honest answer is this:

I skim through the material extremely fast. So I read for the essential bits. Others say that they read it when on first time. This is true for me up to about halfway of the waking Shore for example.

At some point, I feel like I need to move along faster, and I start gradually skipping more and more of the intricate details.

I would prefer more of the selection of answers, requiring some kind of reading comprehension of the material. As in you have a choice on what your answers are.

Yes, no I agree disagree. Rather than just blindly agreeing to every single thing that comes along like I’m the worlds most efficient worker bee who never stops in holding back the problems of the world.

I enjoy games where your answers start to shape the kind of alignment, difference in quest objectives that you have, and your reputation with certain groups.

What if I wanted to save the seagulls and not the turtles?

And overtime I get more quest to save seagulls and not turtles. Your world Quest is reflected by your decisions. We could create a different kind of faction based war due to the decisions that we make in the world.

Rather than just say horde versus alliance. It’s the seagulls versus turtles. Don’t necessarily tie in power. Think of it like the covenants in Shadowlands.

And all of this is reflected through text. Decisions based on how I answer.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

It depends on the situation. I try to at some point read the quest text because I want to know the story, but enjoy the option not to read it other times. Please don’t remove quest dialogue or something crazy like that. I like that it’s there. I just don’t always use it.

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I read the objective and could care a less about quest text. Well, that’s until I need to understand what to do if I find myself doing the quest wrong.
