Poll over here

We’re just curious–


I used to. When effort was put into them… they used to give lore flavor and give you direction if you were stuck on a quest.

Now they’re pretty useless. I recently tried to RP and read through some quests and it’s actually crazy now that some text doesn’t even tell you how to complete the quest. You need to rely on the ingame map nodes to complete them.


Disregard. Poll is easily accessible with the other link.

yes I do, unless it’s the same quest I done so many times like repeatedly questing in BFA no I skip them

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yes, when the quest text is worth reading

Though I’d much rather listen to quest text, hint hint.

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Sorry I don’t :frowning: Unless I need to figure something out that I don’t understand as a result of reading the summary on the mini quest log. (Please make the full quests make sense in the summaries)

Since we’re here I have feedback that I hope can be useful. I also wouldn’t listen to the quest dialogue if they read it aloud. However some people might love that… for me, I am just trying to level to play M+ and pvp and want to get the questing over with as fast as possible.

I think something that would revolutionize the game is having a few endgame-only servers with no leveling process, and all characters starting with (and automatically becoming, in new expansions) max level and all open world power increases unlocked or on some vendor for free. Somewhat like the tournament realms but public and permanent, with M+ and pvp progress that rewards you.

This includes things like archaeology for the Whisper of the Djinn buff (before it was removed anyway) in vortex pinnacle, those items would go on a vendor for free. Same with all dragonflying unlocks if Nokhud Offensive is in the M+ season, conduits and all legendaries available for free, etc. All crafting supplies (like the legendaries in the SL PTR) would just be on a vendor for free, and all professions instantly become max progress when you start them. All expansion-relevant consumables would be on vendors for free.

Obviously, the servers would have to be seperate from regular servers in terms of the economy, and rankings for the M+ title, etc.


I kind of treat WoW like a lobby game these days. Questing is just in the way.

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Click on the link in the first line, that works.

Asking the hard questions!

Ah, see, clearly was PEBCAK. Thank you for correcting me. I’ll edit my post above.

We’re just curious–

Do you listen to player feedback?


Really such a shame.

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Somehow, out of all the things people have had concern with that they could have polled us on… they chose this. The one thing almost no one talks about. So I’m thinking no.

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Blizz, please, if you’re using this to gauge whether you should invest in more VA/talking heads, please consider giving us an in-game option to disable them. They’re annoying and I’d rather not have to keep using an addon to block them.


Ofc, this week’s tuning was based on player feedback. It’s in their notes, it has to be true!

Agreed. I can’t listen to that sort of stuff. It doesn’t sink in. I need to read. It’s why I can’t do audio books or YouTube videos either. What gets said through speakers on a computer or device just doesn’t get absorbed in my brain.


They ask feedback about quests and you bash them for asking cause it doesn’t fit your needs

Because it’s a question you don’t want them to ask

And you wonder why they don’t communicate with us

Literally nowhere did either of us bash anyone. It’s a simple, “No I don’t believe they listen sometimes.” And that’s not always a bad thing either. Players aren’t developers. But polls like this concern me. Rightfully so. I’m allowed my opinion. An opinion isn’t bashing.

Did your Tender thread go so poorly that you had to grasp at straws to try to be on that high horse of yours?

Only once through but it’s all pretty disappointing these days lol lately i speed read it.

General Discussion: “blizzard please listen to us”

Blizzard: “ok let’s start off with your feedback on quest text”

General Discussion: “you’re not listening to us!1!”

That’s how you’re preaching, you may think their quest text feedback is meaningless but someone else does so answer no or don’t at all, and move on

Why them asking quest text is a concern? You want them to listen our feedback and here it is.

They may make quest text lore more interesting for us you don’t know that, they may just shorten the quest text if that many people don’t read it so they can use resources elsewhere

I made that thread and keep people’s quotes when the day comes with the tenders on shop just to see how fast you’re going to scramble words when that announcement happens