Poll For Science: Daily Quests

I agree, but again this post is not for discussion. It’s just for people to answer yes or no please.

I never want to see the piddly-poor Legion through SL model of “here’s your 2 rep for doing 3 quests’ worth of stuff” again.

If they bring back dailies, make them old school and deterministic. You do 1 fairly easy quest, get a substantial rep gain, and have a big cosmetic reward at the end like the Netherwing or Golden Lotus did.

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Unfortunate for you then, because discussions are happening.

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Technically they aren’t but Blizz typically won’t do anything about it unless the content of the post itself is an issue.

These are discussion forums and, as such, we ask that you hold discussions. Creating a thread to ask for replies as votes is not a discussion. Threads violating this guideline are subject to deletion.
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^My opinion on dailies


Yes, I see that. I tried but this is pretty much what I expected.

The people asking for more daily quests don’t even want daily quests, they want world quests.