Poll - Does anyone have access to GEN or LOCALDEF in SMC?

I have gone to other cities (even Exodar and UndercityRIP) and they have access to all the realm channels, but SMC’s General or Local Defence channels are gone.

NOW, before someone comes in here and says ‘LOL SMC FOR ERP’. This is actually a concern for me as someone that runs events cause I want all those elves to come to them (they are 50% of the server), and I use 1.GEN to advertise.

So, anyone else having this issue? Does anyone know anything about it?

Didn’t that get lost awhile back? It seems like I remember hearing something about SMC general chat being missing months ago. Something about phasing or something.

(or I could entirely be misremembering since I can’t find a reference for it)

Try leaving the channels and rejoining? That seemed to be a fix at one point.

I did that. I wished it worked. When it didn’t I went around whispering strange elves and asking them if they had the same issue.

Good to know that it maybe was a while back, I had not rped there since Xmas, and I know it was there then.