Poll: Choosing a Covenant

It’s really not.

If you’re being booted from a Heroic dungeon because of poor numbers, that might be a community issue.

If you’re declined / booted before starting from a Mythic+15 because your build is suboptimal in every possible way, that’s a matter of the group wanting to be able to actually finish the content within the timer.

Things have actual requirements to be successful. It ceases to be a community issue at a certain point because of that.


“in the hands of a master, anything can be a lethal weapon.”-Eastern philosophy


I’m going nightfae Zandalari Paladin.

I miss Rezan and my Paladin is starving for mobility.

Voted for the hot Gargoyle dudes (Venthyr). Not caring for the vampires, but the Gargoyles/Stoneborne are nice.

Soul Binds could be the thing that balances the covenant class and universal abilities.
In example - warriors-Spear of Bastion is an area of effect ability, souls bind could make it a single target ability.
Necrolord Flesh Craft is a 4 second channel 20%, soul binds options could alter it to instant cast and 15%.
What people’s thoughts


Let us swap covenants when we need/want it without restrictions.


No, choices need to matter.


I like the idea of the Covs being a locked in choice, but you NEED to seperate the abilities from your cov choice, or this system is going to destroy the otherwise incredible looking expac.


If you guys go live with the necrolord banner i will legitimately have no choice but to go Necrolord. So what’s the purpose of this poll?


Which one looks best with my tmog?

It’s not a universal standard - it’s an “RP” standard.

If the fate of each of the 4 covenants is at risk - and we’re the heroes going after the bad guy behind it all - it would behoove them to give us whatever helps to kill the bad guy.

If that means letting us swap covenants so that we can pvp, M+, and raid for better gear - TO KILL THE BAD GUY - then that would make complete sense from an “RP” sense.

This is exactly why the US military allows for service members to change branches and serve across branches to serve in areas that are needed and optimal for the completion of the objective/war/battle/etc.


That’s a common misconception, you need class diversity and variety to be able to do well. I’d absolutely love to be able to pick the covenant ability I enjoy playing with the most (Kyrian), or the one that I think looks the coolest (Necrolord/Night Fae) - but even just doing that has its limitations. It’s naive to assume that ‘top-end’ raiders don’t care about other aspects of the game, we’re just unable to choose abilities based on aesthetics, feel, lore, or whatever else because we have to make our characters the strongest they can possibly be. Just because others may not have to do that does NOT mean that limiting player choice is the correct decision.


Whatever’s best for PvP I guess.


Until of-course they nerf it then you switch over and back it up saying Blizzard no longer designs around it . This 100% community issue. You don’t actually need it you are forced to pick it to get invited to be accepted.


I see no reason why I should “play a game” where my spec is trash and my content is restricted by arbitrary “rules”. Even if I’m a casual, playing only a small part of the game and not fun at that is pointless.


It’s sad that players will be doing exactly this.


Comments like this are why can’t have fun and nice things.


Incorrect - “meta”/optimal classes and builds already exist in the game. But there are a lot of us casual RPers that still pick what we want. Either for looks, gameplay, or whatever we enjoy outside of performance.

Letting covenants be freely swappable wouldn’t change my decision - it also wouldn’t take anything away from my choice. It would, however, give a lot of players freedom, fun, and agency over their characters so that they can enjoy playing the game.


I hope blizzard sticks to their vision this time and ignore what players say. Covenant choices need to matter. You shouldn’t be able to change them whenever you want.


This is the correct statement for folks that play this game at the highest level and sadly the most tragic. I play at a causal level so my choice is the Necrolords. Bone wings like Kerrigan all the way.