Polite Request for Demon Customization

As warlocks we LOVE our demon pets! And with the current glyphs we have a lot of options! The models are all pretty decent. We're happy!

But you know what's really fun? Collecting two handed weapons for the Wrathguard/Felgaurd. It's fun because it's CUSTOMIZATION!! It's honestly addictive.

Can we please please please get more demons, more demon color options, more demon glyphs - more opportunity to customize our beloved pets?

Thanks so much!!!
It would be interesting to be able to "capture" demons for permanent usage. Much like a hunter goes to get a pet.
11/06/2018 12:41 PMPosted by ArchĂąngĂȘl
It would be interesting to be able to "capture" demons for permanent usage. Much like a hunter goes to get a pet.

Yes! Or quest lines. We don't mind working for it!! It doesn't have to be glyphs.

Or a transmog system so we can put gear on them!
Or a Glyph of the Incubus for those locks who aren't into the ladies. No need to create new animations, just a new skin will do.
11/07/2018 12:21 AMPosted by Jesseda
Or a Glyph of the Incubus for those locks who aren't into the ladies. No need to create new animations, just a new skin will do.

I like the idea of a sassy, male demon.
11/07/2018 12:21 AMPosted by Jesseda
Or a Glyph of the Incubus for those locks who aren't into the ladies. No need to create new animations, just a new skin will do.

Actually, a long time ago Blizzard promised this.

You can see how well they lived up to the promise.
Let's keep this post alive. Please leave a response with your support and ideas. Thanks guys!
I'd like to see more alternate demon options via glyphs at the very least. Back in like 2013 Blizzard mentioned plans for giving us an opposite gender version of all of our demons - which is something I really want to see actually happen. A glyph to turn Demonic Tyrant into one of those winged eredar like Portal Keeper Hasabel would be super cool, and if making more demon models after the demon expansion is over is too difficult, there's always the easy option for other demons like a regular female eredar for the wrathguard, a satyr for the succubus, and so forth.
I feel like a big character customization revamp is due, and warlocks being able to go to a transmog type vendor to customize their demons would be awesome. Even something as simple as different armor variants or colors would be excellent.
I just want a Pit Lord please
Shields and one-hander variants for my Felguard please, along with Armour and skin colour.

A way to promote him to a FelCaptain of FelLord after all these years would be terrific.

Oh and stop shrinking them down in raids and groups!
Let's keep this thread going!! Blizzard we're politely asking for more options, more customization. Thank you!!!
Or we could just get enslave demon replaced with "Enslave demon: Enslave a demon, allowing you to summon it in the future"

Work like the hunter pets, each fits a specific family, and same stats, but really you just capture apperances. Cause there is so many cool demons i want.

or yeah they coudl add lots of glyphs, for example to turn your demonolgy imps into inquisitor eyes, or fel imps. Your felguard into a fellord, your demonic tyrant green, or red, or brown.

Honestly, if we could have a primary demon that is our normal demon and our enslave demon captures a demon or choice permanently as a secondary demon until we release them, i would be all for it. Even if they get a 50% slow on attacks. It just makes demo feel more powerful and like a real warlock not an imp mother


Ah the mirror tactic of “you think you want it but you really don’t” turned into “here you go, actually nevermind” Very sneaky blizzard

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Honestly I would love a green doom guard to replace my imp or anything else but an imp I have slain demons, the strongest warlock known to Azeroth and braved the dreaded Lucy king but still I roll with an imp. and Instead of a void walker I would love a demon maybe a dread lord or maybe something like that infernal pitlord from tos. They have a lot of cool demon models that won’t get a lot of use since the legion is gone. Blizzard please give us some of those smexy models heck you could even add them to quest or have vendors sell them to us. That stuff would be dope


i would like this aswell.
i know everyone is going to scream " Screeeen cluttter!! " BUT i really dont like the imp models as a master summoner.
Can i atleast get a option to change them into improved fel imps? Or change them for eye of guldans?
Dreadstalkers neeeeed to have a glyph aswell. id like to see summon dark hound. big ol forsaken fan boi i am.
Maybe a glyph to turn them into those fel wolves?
Also, can we please as demonology get a damn way to use other pets ? like felhunters inturpt is key utility that we need to have. Unlike mm hunters, our pet is a majority of our damage so we cant not have that specfic one out. What im refering too is the constant damage increase that MM hunters actually get by having no pet. its called lone wolf and its a mandatory situation but in mythic + ( and in some raids rip shamans ) they have to use specific pets to help the party.
I think the utility is still preserved for lust pets besides corehounds. but im not too keen.


Hmph. You’d think a gal (and quite a few dudes) who’s dabbled in enslaving demons wouldn’t think of grabbing herself an incubus at least once. Like get the sassy male twink demon already!


Trying to resurrect this thread. Warlocks please chime in. Blizz is listening, let’s ask for more demons, or demon customization.


“Wild Inquisitor Eyes” instead of imps would be -sweet- looking but with 20+ eyes all beaming away it could end up being kinda laggy.

It’d be neat to have a “Subordinate Demon” ability, like hunter’s ‘Tame’. Even if you couldn’t summon them as your primary pet, it’d be neat to have your [Inner Demons] and [Nether Portal] be more likely to spawn demons of the type you currently have ‘subordinated’.

Personally, I want a few extra utility demons just for fun like:
[Summon Wyrmtongue] or [Summon Calydus] summons a demon that will help you open a warlock summoning portal and help you summon people, as well as being a repair vendor/warlock glyph vendor.