Nobody’s been banned.
While others focusing on MB, Can we get attention for our druid friends who are doing a marathon in Gorgrond?
Gorgrond Bots!
That video was not of a multiboxer but rather just botters who weren’t even using multibox software
Here’s Mr. Loophole coming at us again with another ploy to go around the ruling by Blizzard. Just give up and play the game like the rest of us bro. Honestly what is so bad about playing legitimately
We are playing legitimatly if blizzard wanted multiboxing banned they would ad the ruling that
Multiboxing is a bannable offense.
Some people like to break games
Others lives depend on it
WoW gold is worth more money than many nations currency
Does this mean I shouldn’t be allowed to play on my state-of-the-art PC with all the latest, greatest components, since your hand-me-down potato can’t keep up?
That video is not a video of multiboxxing or botters using multiboxing software, That’s just plain botters.
Blizzard can only control the process from their end. the moment you log onto the game it has nothing to do with the power of your rig and everything to do with what impact your toon has on the game
Guess i better get rid of my high speed connection too, Can’t have that, I need to be on 3G+ so that it’s fair on other people aswell! Welp time to rip up the fibre
If you click once and all 5, 10, 40 whatever of your characters all herb at the same time… Software or hardware, you are not play legitimately my friend lol. It’s simple. 1 stroke = 1 action. If all 40 of your Dave’s herb from one single mouse click that’s not legitimate gameplay
Indeed! they already there since last week. So it’s not that hard for us to see that they are bots, and why they are still there.
multiboxers in 2021
Everything else being equal, my superior framerate and internet speed means I am going to outperform you in PvP. Because I can afford better gear.
As far as blizzard cares it is, Else they would of banned hardware for it aswell.
We are inputting one action, We are getting one result from one input, Dave doesn’t mine twice from one click.
that’s cool but everyone is playing at or above minimum system requirements.
Multiple characters mining/herbing from one click is only one result for you? lmao
Each client receives one click, Each character performs one action, It is still only one input one output
It’s not like i click once and each character mines 30 times.
Your logic is so flawed my guy
As far as im aware only 1 person can interact with a node at a time… u may get a click from each character but u only loot once?
- Also I’d like to add the argument… Are you willing to pay $150/month plus broadcast software fees? If not, please leave the thread.
In response to a reply… There should be a differentiation between classic and retail with regards to multiboxing then if node abuse is a key issue… or blizzard should just fix the bug being abused. Idk gathering seems to be a sticky topic here.