Wow. So much animosity from the users. As a multiboxer, I’ve always gone out of my way to not impede other’s play. I also am not a gold farmer. If I am farming for mats, it’s for my own, or guildmates, use. I enjoy multiboxing primarily because it can be often difficult to get groups for some of the multiplayer content. Further, when a group is FINALLY mustered, the player personalities can make for disappointing experiences. In the end, I’m sad to see the community has become such a judgmental group of petulant children. Truly a reflection on how our society has changed since the game’s first release 16 years ago.
About time!
Yeah but they won’t.
we’ve seen an increasingly negative impact to the game as this software is used to support botting and automated gameplay.
So, its not specifically multiboxing or multiboxing software that you have an issue with? You only have an issue with it because it’s often used to support botting and automated gameplay?
… So basically you’re only doing this because you don’t know how else to reduce botting?
I rarely if ever buy mats or consumables, I have an alt army (that I play separately) and farm my own stuff.
In Legion I had 8 Demon Hunters and had mining on all. What I did was have 7 follow me and when I reached the node I would click mine on each client and not straight away as I knew I had to wait for each to mine. I didn’t multibox legion to farm. I did it for the roleplay, the ability to feel like I was in a group yet I have social difficulties.
Ask yourself how can a player solo roleplay?
HAHAHAHA In your face, cheaters!
Oh quit playing the victim. It directly impedes everyone’s play with rigging the in-game economy. Simply by paying more money, you’re giving yourself an advantage over others with an efficiency that can’t be matched without an executable to literally do the work for you.
Correct, They are punishing legit players because there are people who bot.
It of course wont affect botters since they already dont care that they are cheating .
For now.
The tide has turned.
When the PTB see the overwhelming support for this action, it makes further action more probable.
Thank you Blizz
Be careful. A couple of years from now I could easily see the GD crowd deciding alts are bad for the economy and screaming until Blizzard bans those too.
Ok. So your example is not me.
When I do questing with them they’re all on a tight follow going after 1 mob at a time. Secondly, I have never set up a hyperspawn group as that is ridiculously boring, not to mention a jerk thing to do.
Farming worldbosses with them hurts no one.
Your comment about “I do this to be efficient” feels like its aimed at the in game economy and hyperspawns. I suggested they fix loot rules and make it one node one loot earlier.
The vast majority of why a player chooses to multibox doesnt hurt your gaming experience. Its the people that abuse it into the ground that destroy the economy by 10 tapping mining and herbing nodes and grief people in WPVP.
Those are the people that ruin the game for everyone. Including us multiboxers just trying to collect appearances, mounts, and toys…
lmfao most of these guys happy cause they get killed in Open WPvP from a multiboxer what cry babies KEKW im no multiboxer but i personally dont mind them
In this edit: Increases to supply adversely affect economies.
The prima facie here is that you just don’t like multiboxing, so when multiboxers have an affect on the economy, you assume it to be a negative one. Go back to econ 101, you missed some vocab and lessons.
It’s cute how these garbage people think the money from thier multiple accounts makes them more valuable than 1000s of annoyed players.
Blizz ran the numbers, this will be a net positive for them.
It accomplishes a few things. Higher prices for auction house, higher token prices. Less income from accounts. Doesn’t fix class balance or the horrible expansion coming soon. Much more important things.
We already have. When people realize MB’s are still doing their thing theyll be back crying.
Talking to one another instead of over each other. There are a few doing this and it’s awesome. Though the outcome is not satisfactory for everyone, we can still be civil and show empathy for our fellow gamers.
Thank you both.
Orc, I would hope you’d reconsider as you sound like a good egg. But if you cannot I too wish you all the best.
To all the comments that say you can’t alt-tab any longer, please read the article again. It clearly states that the use of software to automate the gameplay is going to be a punishable offense. You can run as many clients as you want, as long as you don’t use software to facilitate the process of automation.