Policy Update for Input Broadcasting Software

Didn’t go far enough.

  1. Uninstall World of Warcraft.
  2. Next uninstall any other Blizzard game.
  3. Finally uninstall the Blizzard launcher.

That’s how you win. Boycotts go both ways.

The first thread i ever remember seeing that got this big was the exp on/off separation trial of the champions patch 3.2 in like september 2009. Blizzard added exp to the bgs, and forced people who had really good gear and enchants who wanted to pvp without gaining levels to turn off their exp, with the catch that turning exp off also separates que times between exp on and off. This was a big one, and i believe the forum thread reached like 6 k comments or so. I still don’t agree with this one though. Gaining gear and stats and enchants and playing with skill was always welcome to me in an rpg progression based game. So many counter arguments that continue to this day, and then the same thing happened in bfa, when blizz merged the brackets back together between expon/off in legion, then decided to separate them again in 8.1.5 bfa.

The other one in 2010 with patch 3.3.5 was about an addition to the game with battle.net with real ID being added to the game. This was also huge. It was all about proprietary information and other types of info, especially the personal information, such as your name being shown on screen for others to see etc.

The 3rd big thread i remember blowing up this bad was when 4.0.3 in cataclysm was out and it was claiming heroics were way to difficult.

The expon/expoff thread was quite frankly the very first of these types of threads. I don’t recall a thread before that one that got this bad.

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So why do you report it? Do you just enjoy wasting GMs’ time? Or do you get a kick increasing the wait times for people that actually need a GM’s help?



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Neat. $240 for a box that connects one keyboard to 4 PCs. My wireless keyboard does the exact same thing, and only cost me $15.


Today I learned.

How can you control a 5 man team in m+ without ISBoxer or a larger team doing solo raids? You have to react to abilities, move out of danger, soak abilities, heal and dmg and tank…how can this be done if you cant broadcast to your other team members? This is seriously ridiculous. This was one of the last bastions of fun in this game for some people, who get bored of just logging in for raid 2 times a week and doing a m15+ once a week. GO AFTER BOTTING PROGRAMS. There are some people who just use a second account for sniping AH all day or for creating groups in grp finder to sell keys. They wont ban this because they make money.


I am so glad this is finally happening. I am so sick of seeing 5 of the same player model with similar names show up someplace I am trying to get something done and watch them just steamroll an entire quest area ahead of me and slowing me down.

Or in PvP when once I saw 5 elemental shaman just stand in one place, drop totems at one time, and just annihilated my entire team (this happened during Burning Failure). Long time coming…and it couldn’t happen to worse people.

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This wont on it own stop the abuse of multi boxing. But its a step in the right direction to curb some of the things that are out of control at the moment.

Your idea of fun is different than mine then. And thats fine. But sometimes herbing with 4 toons is relaxing and fun. I tried to enjoy all aspects of the game, even pet battling, which many do not consider fun. When your guild is not on outside of raid time, and you cant get into m+ even with a 3k RIO because you are not the meta class or spec, sometimes it was relaxing to just herb/mine. Mostly when i herbed it was only so i could make my own flasks and pots for raid and m+. However cheap herbs make flasks cheaper, so you can enjoy more raiding and m+ dungeon spamming. Herbing and mining was not nearly as profitable as just selling 15 keys one after the other for 30-60k each run. If you didnt want to sell keys or sell herb/ore, there were many other ways to make gold in this game. Some people’s idea of fun is to sit and snipe AH and repost for profits, however i consider this extremely boring. Point is every has their own idea of what is fun in wow, and it can fluctuate over time or rapidly. Maybe they should have capped it at a max of 5 toons to allow input broadcasting so MB could actually run dungeons or raids. Ultimately they should do a better job of detecting botters. Its pretty easy to tell the difference. I have never botted but can easily spot toons running scripted movement.


While i do not condone griefing in pvp or people trying to quest, if they are griefing in pvp, anyone can turn off pvp and no longer be griefed. In a 10v10 or 40v40 match with 1 person controlling 10 toons or 40 toons, they should ALWAYS lose to 10 or 40 other players. Follow is disabled, so unless you stand in one place against the enemy they cannot follow you with all their toons.

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Just my opinion, but they probably never should of allowed people to multibox more than 4, or 5 characters at onetime in the first place. The biggest complaints I saw reading on the forum was the boxers who were running those 10, and 20 toon teams tapping every node in places like Nazjatar, and of course camping hyperspawn areas also. You know what they say. It only only takes a few to ruin things for everyone else. Some were not multiboxers, and probably were bots sure, but yeah those few bad apples lol. Said it it in a couple of other threads. Multiboxers brought this ban upon themselves by going crazy with the software, and sure enough Blizz killed the key broadcasting part lol. Honestly can’t say I feel sorry at all for the folks who were abusing it, because of how it effected other players, but I do feel bad for the people who liked dual boxing leveling, questing a few characters/alts together using the software… Thing is folks can still multibox, if they like though. just have to either alt/tab, or click on each window now.


If Blizzard makes the things that are abused with multi-boxing too much of a pain. Then many who in general abuse it because its easy, will stop. It wont stop everyone, but many it will stop because simply its not easy anymore. Of course they are not going to like the idea and fact that something they been doing for a long time now is broken. But such is the way with WoW on many things.

I still think that blizzard should add a broadcast to battle.net launcher.

It already interacts with all the linked accounts
It, by default, limits it to 5 characters (you can only have 5 warcraft licenses bound to a battle.net account)
They can secure the software to only accept actual legitimate inputs. (the reason they ban broadcasting is because bots connected to wow through the broadcast software)
And they can easily detect and limit any questionable scripts that the software may have been using.


it not, and you can still multibox. good try.

The abuse is from botting. Bots just tend to work in large numbers for more returns.

This regulation will be as useful at stopping bots as telling someone who is going 30 over the speed limit that they will get a ticket if they dont put on their seat belt.


Haha. Yeah I wouldn’t get my hopes up lol. I mean it would be cool I guess for the folks who like that playstyle, but I doubt that many people multibox anyways for them to put any kind of resources into something like that. Especially when they could be improving the most important things, like more content, and balancing classes, and specs. Oh, and nerf demon hunters! :laughing:

But WoW is my favorite game of all time, I’ve been playing the game for 16years and I have much invested in my main account… what makes you think I suddenly hate the game?

I multiboxed on and off since MoP.

You didn’t see the /s I presume…