Why can’t we use polearms?
In Legacies Chapter 3 all the Dracthyr in Neltharions army during the attack of the Primalist, THEY ALL HAVE POLEARMS!
So, what the hell Blizzard?! I want my polearm! It is the iconic weapon of Dragon Guard and Dracthyr alike!!
@Blizzard this needs to be fixed as it is a very obvious plot hole and literally false advertising!!
Dracthyr should be able to use polearms. Would open up more transmog options too.
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Funny enough, the dev team also made another mistake with the Sundred Flame using Rogue, Warrior, or Mage Dracthyr.
What’s the mistake? I think I missed it.
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I don’t recall seeing other class dracthyr in the sundered flame?
Right, but what’s the mistake?
The dracthyr have one class. It’s… kinda lame for a race.
Ah, so you’re saying that playable dracthyr should be able to be other classes because only a few of them are evokers and the rest are other classes?
I thought you were saying that they had made a mistake with those NPCs because all dracthyr are evokers.
It’s the Guild Wars spear controversy all over again where the art doesn’t match the gameplay presented and is left unregarded as such for the whole expansion nor rectified.
My best guess is they didn’t want to have to make intellect polearms. A shame, I would love for my evoker to wield Djaruun.
Actually, this makes total sense.
The Dracthyr are elevated draconids to begin with, who all use polearms…
Calling anything for the dracthyr “iconic” is a stretch. They’re brand new. Their iconography, or lack there of, isn’t quiet established yet.
That being said, they should definitely be able to wield pole arms, because it’s rad.
You’re not wrong, but I do get the complaint seeming as some cinematic(s)/art used in promos (I believe the art was used for promo at least in Bnet) had them holding what clearly looked like polearms.
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Ah, so you’re saying that playable dracthyr should be able to be other classes because only a few of them are evokers and the rest are other classes?
I thought you were saying that they had made a mistake with those NPCs because all dracthyr are evokers…
Felt like a crazy restriction on the Dracthyr.
It was sad that the dracthyr don’t hold enough importance to the story. Even the Sundred Flame hasn’t attacked any dragons-- they’re rivals to the Dragonscale Expedition.