Polarity harassment?

I was about to log off and was essentially begged by some people from polarity to do Shattered halls heroic.
He said he’d make my run “Worth it” whatever that means.
I’m not super geared and didn’t even want to do it, but figured I’d help since he seemed insistent on getting a heroic and I know how hard it may be to find a tank at 6:30 am. Mind you I didn’t even really want to do this but “worth it” seemed enticing and made me feel like they were hurting for someone.

I asked for a hunter/frost mage.
I got a holy paladin, two warriors, and an enhancement shaman. They didn’t give me time for threat but I just kept doing my thing. At the end of the dungeon, I get harassed and denied any form of payment.

Is this a legitimate thing Polarity does or can I talk to an officer? Like I was doing the run because they needed it, not because of me wanting anything. It’s now 7:30 and I was screwed over because I was actually being nice? I’m not in a high prog guild because I don’t want to play like that, but this harassment is never called for.

Link added: There is profanity.
imgur. com/a/tevtwQV

This is why there is a “tank shortage”.


I won’t let it knock me down… but like is polarity like this normally? It’s easy for me to just /who and block them all but I was more thrown back because I was doing something nice. I was literally about to say ‘No’ to the gold because I won the nether on a need roll… haha. The person didn’t even say they wanted a super geared person either. Like WOW it literally came out of nowhere.

I mean to ask if polarity is like this normally; because three of those members were from polarity.
Both warriors and the healer. The non harassy warrior ninja logged and the paladin ninja left the party which I assume they also blocked me because they practically ninja logged as well.

To explain also; we did get the Shattered halls event so… Whatever they wanted me for was done on my end.

Haha I am an ele shaman and I got harrased by one of their pallys. He kept telling me how they are pumpers and their gear was massive!! I whispered their dungeon and told them I am ele. They ask if they can get Windfury I said no. Then he tries and belittles me and saying how crap I am haha. I looked at his logs and was garbage. Polarity is a garbage guild. Dont run with them. They think they are good and trash everyone but their logs are mediocre at best.

Just dont group with any of them, I stopped.

Remember there are always two sides to every story.

For the record, don’t be a ninja looter and you won’t be treated poorly. We simply stated that the nether was reserved before inviting you, and you agreed. After you ninjad the item, you forfeit any payment, plain and simple.

And yes I got salty because I’d been up on for 10+ hours trying to get groups together for heroics. How you think it feels when the last thing you need is ninja looted?

Tldr, don’t ninja loot items

Let me fix this for you as well.

You “asked” if either of those classes was in the group. “I said no, but that we’d be fine with our comp (which we were)”

You were salty but I was up for 10+ hours doing my own thing. You acted poorly and now you’re making up information to try to make yourself feel better. This was how you treated me post end of dungeon. Pay what you owe or don’t defend yourself.

We did the event, I did my job you didn’t; whether or not you were happy with how we got there isn’t the issue. I NEVER promised a good run, infact I made every chance at offering a smooth run, but offering to change to my tankier pieces when I was being killed. When you claimed I didn’t need to.

Sorry, but you not enjoying the run when you got what you actually wanted, to me not getting what you promised is two seperate issues.

You DID not pay for the run when you said you were going to, I DID get you the quest complete.

At no point did you ever tell me the nether was reserved. Additionally, EVEN if that was the case, it’s your fault for not Master looting it in the first place. Also, everyone else is clearly not happy with your guild and seeing how you’re trying to legimitize the way you and your guild treated me it shows you belong in that guild.