Pointed ears

Yep, that’s exactly what it is. Marsius even linked the article of Wowhead claiming it’s definite when it’s just some datamined strings we don’t know will be implemented or when, if they are.

They’re not for Elves.

This is part of Blizzard’s initiative to copy FFXIV. They have cat bois, so naturally WoW is getting fox bois :two_hearts: uwu

No one has knife ears quite like Thalassians.

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I like this. BUT let’s be honest…who’s gonna make a round eared elf?

I might sometimes tbh

The ears can mess with some mogs lol

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There is a race of half elves in TWW in one of the zones, it’s actually really important to the storyline so I don’t want to say too much. Hence the ears that were datamined.

They need to fix the male human model’s face before adding anything else.

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Dracthyr hair styles and hair color for all!

; w; I’ll keep dreaming.


I logged into the Beta just now and these point/round ear options are not available on my human or blood elf (my blood elf has the current options for ear-length, but not point/round). Perhaps this is coming in a later patch of TWW, but it’s not currently the Beta (11.0.2).

The only new thing that’s confirmed in TWW is Earthen. Everything else is speculation based on data mining.

Yeah it’s almost assuredly coming in a later patch.

Probably a patch about Arator because he’s arguably the most known half-elf. And it would directly tie to Alleria.

That, or the new Arathi character(s).

Pointed ears

Elves have pointed ears. I guess somehow we are related to the Vulcans.

Live long and prosper. \//

I’m prejudiced against the Ren’Dorei cuz bad writing