Point to these forums?

Point? none, just to rant mostly.

Nobody here actually changes their minds regarding any point of views from the same names…

Eventually you learn to don’t bother with certain names because you know how they think and ends up in the same “lets agree to disagree” most of the time with those people.

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Pure comedy gold.

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These are the best posts in life. Crom is pleased.


To hell with Crom!

Ah, I see another follower of the riddle of steel has joined us!

Also I am out of likes, so have this instead: :dagger:

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depending some are actually sad comedy and not funny.

but a bunch around thinks that they own the circus but they are just a bunch of extras on it tho :wink:

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Make sure to read the whole sticky post.

Welcome please read.

Welcome to the General Discussion forum! This forum is here to provide you with a friendly environment where you can discuss all aspects of World of Warcraft with other players.

Objects in General Discussion are less friendly than they appear.


the least these forums provide is “friendly enviroment” unless it’s the same 2-3 posters using cookies or flowers on their posts it’s the good old passive-aggressive comments that I see on other forums from other games… not only blizzard games…

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I just like talking with folks. Various forums are a good way to do that whenever I feel like it.

I’ve had some really interesting conversations… some really silly ones too.


Whining…lots of whining.


Some bragging…

ALOT of trolling.

But sometimes a rare gem happens…somehow it gets through all that stuff i listed…but a useful post of information will happen…without any negativity or sarcasm.

I mostly visit to be entertained.



It’s really the only place that I socialize with the WoW community.

Shadina is correct that this is the intent of the forums. However, they’re mostly used to vent anger, take out our own personal issues and frustrations anonymously on other random people and to prove to random people on the internet who you’ll never meet that you’re the smartest person in the room.

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It’s the place where you go to learn that every topic worth talking about has passionate supporters on the pro and con ends of the spectrum. They are not always nice to each other. You will also find that people you agree with on one topic, are wildly opposed to you in another.

As long as you don’t take it personal, you will find like-minded players on a variety of topics.


nice joke :joy::joy::joy:

Which lets be honest most of the posters here are a bit too emotional when it comes to face opinions that arent their own…

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Not much really. Try to give feedback that goes on deaf ears.

Hey, the last one was right! I pop cooldowns every day.

Which then causes them to go extremist in their defense of it, unless that’s where they started. :wink: My stance, for the last few years, has been: “Extreme in either direction is bad.” Seems to be working for me so far.

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