Point of Heroic Raid Difficulty

What’s the point of heroic raid difficulty other than AOTC title and the mount? Seems like you can get better gear quicker from M+ and just craft item level 418 for spots that you’re missing. I don’t understand why some raid fights drop 402 gear up to 411 only

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Tier set availability before January 24.

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I mean… AOTC is only reason I do it.

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Every form of content has some sort of scaling difficulty.

In PvP, it’s your rating. Playing better = harder matches because the game recognizes you play well.

In M+, it’s the keystone level. You do well, the key upgrades, content gets harder.

In Raids, it’s the difficulty. You finish normal, you move on to heroic, you move to Mythic (provided you’ve got the time for it and roster for it, since mythic is still kinda finicky with that).

Everyone has a level they feel good making progress at. I tend to stick around M+10 thru +15 and Heroic Raid. I’m not Raiding much these days because it’s absolutely worthless compared to putting the same effort into M+, but point being, if someone wants to Raid, Heroic is just another threshold that someone might be the most engaged progressing through.

Yes, M+ being overwhelmingly superior for gearing provided you have the time to spam it is a massive problem for raiding below the mythic level. But Heroic Raiding still has its place for those that enjoy that content even in the face of M+ being a thing. The problem isn’t with Heroic Raid, it’s with M+ being too good.

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It used to be the base difficulty and the highest was heroic. Flex was tuned for people who don’t usually raid, but were better than LFR.

Now, I don’t fricken know. Blizzard seems to have good ideas one expansion and then ruin it the next. If they just kept what worked instead of butchering it, this game would be ridiculously good.

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Normal and heroic kind of share the same slot… end of the day I see it as the casual end game in two parts.

They need to make raid gear work with valor.

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Heroic raiding is challenging but not overly punishing. it is where most guilds find the ‘desired’ raiding experience. and it offers flex raidsize so you can invite everyone who wants to join.

Flex raid only existed as its own difficulty for 1 raid. Then in Warlords of Draenor they introduced 20 man Mythic raids and we got the system we have today where Mythic is fixed at 20 and and then Heroic normal and LFR are all flexible raid sizes.

We’ve had this exact same system for 5 expansions in a row now so it’s kind of a stretch to claim they keep changing it when it seems like they have arrived at a system Blizzard and the players are mostly happy with.

It was one way and then it wasn’t. And folks loved it when it launched. I think you are being pedantic.

And there are many examples of Blizzard changing things for seemingly no reason. Group Loot for example. They always take things that people like and decide to shake it up just so they can justify their jobs existing or something.

It’s dumb.

It’s easier. Some people complain there’s too much trash in raids but they’re like 2000+ io. Mythic+ is literally all trash and they farm it all day long, it doesn’t make sense.

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I always see people counter this with “lol if people actually LIKED raiding it wouldn’t matter that it’s less rewarding” but if M+ stopped being such a fast and convenient way to gear up, M+ participation would tank too. A large part of why M+ is more popular than raiding now is because it’s less effort for better gear.

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Right now, keeping a group together for raiding is easier than a M+ pug.

……aotc title and mount.

to bridge the difficulty gap between normal and mythic?

to be another milestone for players that enjoy the raid format to conquer?

to introduce a new mechanic to each fight preventing the content from getting stale quite as fast?

if loot is all you’re after, then yeah, do whatever content you find easiest to get the best gear I guess.

This is the same reason why ever M+ player is 100% having another progression path that isn’t timed M+ . Because they know most folks only do it for the easy (good) gear.

But to be fair. I think this entire community is jacked up mentally. We are all min/maxers who apparently just want gear as fast as possible and don;t even enjoy this game or one another.