[Poem] Bots/Inflation/GDKP

What would i be lying about?

Im the only 1 providing data.

You don’t know how statistics works. You give 3 items out of the thousands for sale and that’s proof? Haha

Name how many you want me to link?

This is ez for me, youre wrong with evidence.

I can do more of the major raid consumes if you want?

What else you want?

You want eng/BS bars too?

I can do herbs too.

I can look up the herbs too, id have to google the names tho i dont have an alch.

67 copper per Bronze bar.



Crying about GDKP, you’re just beating a dead horse.


Today is a new day, and GDKP are banned from SOD.

Got any more data ?

Sure, “it’s banned” but so is gold buying and botting… that’s stopped too eh?

GDKP will be done today, tomorrow, the next day, so on and so forth. GDKPs will continue to happen, whether you or anyone likes it or not.

And most of us will report any guild that is advertising GDKP or GDKP adjacent wording, so you guys better burrow deep.

Benediction has 3.5x the population of Westfall.

Endless Rage buyout on:
Benediction: 21g
Westfall: 39g

Potion of Speed:
Benediction: 8g74s
Westfall: 11g

I’d give more examples but what’s the point? Every single item could be cheaper on Benediction and that wouldn’t be enough for people who are only here to argue.

Actually, why not a few more for the heck of it?

Bold Cardinal Ruby:
Benediction: 243g
Westfall: 349g

Flask of the Frost Wyrm:
Benediction: 16g97s
Westfall: 39g99s

Delicate Cardinal Ruby:
Benediction: 243g 35s
Westfall: 335g 55s

Obviously some things on Westfall will be cheaper but this narrative of megaservers having astronomically higher prices is obviously false.

Remember my topic some time ago where I called GDKP a form of cheating in which you then came to argue my incompetence about thinking such a thing, in which you were so sure GKDP was never going to be put in any danger?

And awww, looks like they decided to see things my way.

Remember what I told you?

Word of mouth.


“I told you so” is so delicious.

Neat. Quote Blizzard on their reasoning then, since they “See it the way you see it”, which is a stance based on you being incompetent and has nothing to do with the “social aspect” like they argue.

Ontop of that, this is for sod phase 2 and nothing else. If the notion was based on cheating, then wouldn’t it be logical to apply it to all of wow instead of a niche game of a museum piece of the main IP?

Also, you are incompetent :point_down:

Ironforge(dot)pro → Wafectus → You put another, and different, tank trinket on this time for arena and lost 40 rating. Back to 1600 you go lmao

This ENTIRE post has literally nothing to do with gdkps.

GDKPs are literally just an auction for items with gold. It can exist with and without RMT, just like every other raid system.

You people are just delusional clowns on full cope because players like me aren’t in your trashcan SR begging and pleading that the one item we need drops and the mouth breathers who also SR’d it, die within seconds of the fight starting, don’t win the item off of pure luck and nothing else.

Even in the event gdkps are so unbelievably hunted down by Blizzard, players like myself will still never be in your raid. I’d rather go farm your friends in the open world over ever being in another trashcan SR raid again.

Yeah, except they don’t. It encourages gold buying. It floods the world with bots to accommodate the gold buyers. It adds massive amounts of gold into the economy, while making resources harder to farm for legitimate players…as you’re competing with an army of bots.

It rips the heart and soul out of the raid experience. There was a time when it was an adventure with friends and guildies. A GDKP is nothing more than a business transaction.

Cope and delusion.

People buy gold for anything and everything, has been since vanilla itself. Gdkps never existed when players were targeted by hackers for their accounts, liquidating all assets of players just to meet demand for gold, and blatantly advertising their sites with corpses infront of AH’s.

No one is saying gold buying doesn’t happen, but this notion that it is purely by a vast majority for gdkps and gdkps alone has been nothing but speculative cope based on nothing but ignorance.

Sure, pull up the video of the oil prince in Trial. He should be banned for his gold buying.

Runs like that are far, far from common.

Yeah that’s why retail has no bot issue at all, right, because they lack gdkps? Totally not a rampant problem.

Or HC, totally wasn’t a rampant problem during the level process and pure lack of raid going on. Surely there wasn’t a massive problem there during a time period that lacked gdkps.

Your stance only works if there isn’t rampant botting elsewhere, and only in areas where gdkps are thriving, but that isn’t reality now is it. Botting is rampant across all versions of wow at all time frames, with and without gdkps existing.

Then ban bots.

You people scream about how it’s gdkp this and gdkp that, while openly saying it’s all bots.

So how about, Blizzard does their job of protecting their IP and bans bots proactively instead of reactively.

Subjective and based on nothing. Want to know what ripped my heart and soul out while raiding? Watching trashcans get bis loot off of nothing but luck. They show up unprepared, undergeared, no consumables, actively griefs the raid for hours and then IS REWARDED.

Idc about your subjective opinion.

If you want to raid with a “group of people for the social experience” then go join a guild. Gdkps are mostly pugs. If you’re looking for social experience through pugs, then you know you’re already in the wrong place.

Nothing is stopping you from doing that still with gdkps existing.

Yeah. Your point? Because I don’t care about the social experience. I’ve had more than enough of a fill of balding overweight 40 year olds who can’t spam their 3 button rotation while drunk complaining about their lack of a love life with their wife to the discord call. If that’s what you want, gdkps existing has never stopped you from doing it.

But gdkps existing allows me to join raids that I know that won’t tolerate that type of interaction, because we’re there to do the raid and play the game, not hang out in discord waiting for 25 people to buff up over 15 minutes.

Gdkps existing takes nothing from you, and your only actual tangible argument is more indicative of Blizzard’s inaction on bots and nothing more.

So upset you can’t just buy gear with illegal gold anymore. :rofl:

That’s your response?

You physically can’t address anything I said, which, tbf half of it is based on your feelers and subjective notion of what raiding “is and isn’t.”

And the other half would either be you agreeing that bots are actually the issue, or doubling down that it’s gdkps and gdkps alone while trying to say it’s fueled by bots without trying to make bots the bigger issue.


Also, comprehend it better, drooler :point_down:

I literally say why I do gdkps and you still go acoustic on me.

Cope harder. You might have to actually make friends, join a guild, interact with players. Instead of just farm gold (or buy it like many do) to buy gear.

Welcome to WoW.

I don’t play sod so this doesn’t affect me. Again, this is for Sod P2. It’s not even in affect till the 8th. It’s almost like you didn’t even read the wowhead post.

Already have them.

Already in one.

Already do, within my own wider circle, because gdkp players know gdkp players, and I like interacting with them because they are once again Insert the quote I already quoted prior that talks about not wanting to raid with overweight 40 year olds.

I already got more than enough gold from farming in TBCC and turning those precious ores and primals into an infinitely growing fake currency.

Unlike your ilk, I don’t struggle to play this game.

That’s cope. You do realize this change is still for sod and sod alone, and Blizzard still never once mentioned anything about gold buyers and sellers or RMT in their reasoning.

Because if it was so RMT based, wouldn’t it make sense to ban it across the board, and not the sub game of a museum piece of an IP?

Deflect again.

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Ok Zoomer :+1: