Plz stop making fistweaver worse

  • Spirit of the Crane has been removed.

gonna piss off a lot of fistweavers with this change


Yeah, only reason I play monk is because of fistweaving, mostly pvp though, going to see how this plays out.


SotC was not great for mana regen tbf, the new mana changes just gives mana back in a different & better way for both raid and M+ (unsure about PVP)


Each to their own… But i rather liked the passive mana regen through BoK. Meant i never had to really worry about mana in the lighter phases. Given the choice i’d rather keep Crane for fisweaving. But i could see it be good when i mistweave.

I think it’s a good change honestly. Any healer should have to worry about managing mana in some capacity.

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This isn’t really to make us worry about mana, we’ve always worried about mana.
Blizzard’s intention is to make a singular system for our mana management rather then the three separate talents for different styles, which makes it much easier to balance overall on their end.


And it’s kind of thematic too. Which I like. Feels more unique …


It’s worded kind of confusing but it seems interesting.

Another thing is to get to the CD reduction on life coocoon ( chrysalis ) you need to go through other life cocoon talents. Due to not being able to go through SotC anymore. Nourishing Chi is useless and Calming Coalescence is more niche. CC also doesnt work well with Crysalis due to lack of time to charge it up.

Removed a fun gameplay ability that made TP/Bokx3 feel good due to mana regen and literally ignores feedback about the third tier of the talent tree being bloated and having less useful abilities / being point starved.

Feels like very little forethought went into this one.

Kinda disappointed and I wasn’t even expecting much. I wish they would have buffed SOTC and made it a choice node that competes with the new mana tea…or you know…lowered the cost of our spells…

I doubt this is going to fix the mana issues either once we lose rashoks and tier.

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They should keep Spirit of the Crane and put it as a talent choice between that and

  • New Talent: Energizing Brew – Mana Tea now channels 50% faster and generates 20% more mana.
    (the new talent they were adding)

Love it, more choices is never a bad thing!


The major thing is with the goal of centralizing it would need to be redesigned to work with mana tea as a mechanic, rather then just staying the same.
So something like,
“Every 3rd Blackout Kick generates one charge of mana tea”.
Right now the major question is how much tea generation are we going to need.


It’s being removed because they are completely changing how MW regens mana.

Going back to something similar to the MoP style mana tea consumption system.

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which part of it, specifically, is good for fistweaving? Is it standing still to channel and stopping dps-ing or is it the extra buff to track or is it the…

help me understand.

Can we see mana tea as an additional mechanic as opposed to replacing existing mechanics?

This might be a better solution for everyone

Well for one thing, it splits up your mana tea buff so you can do a quick sip before using a spell for 50% reduced cost.

Basically before, fistweaver didn’t have to worry about mana at all before. Also
This has potential to be even more rewarding if managed correctly.

Makes the class more interesting

But what exactly is so interesting about this talent? I’ve already had mana potions on my bars for expansions including this one

I’m literally just forced to press a worse mana potion that only has drawbacks

It’s not interesting at all.

It also guts an ACTUALLY interesting play style — Lifecycles — which rewards you for playing your class well (having enveloping most active on the tank or another target and casting vivify into the improved healing and then now reducing your next EvM cast)

Lifecycles being akin to Mastery/Combo Strikes but for mistweaver, actually made you think how to get the most out of the talent and is fun

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A quick sip? Its on the gcd. ‘Quick’ sipping is not a thing, as far as im concerned. GCD’s matter. Channeling something that does no throughput matters. As you said, fistweaver didn’t have to worry about mana, so ill ask again, which part of this is good for fistweaving given they lose spirit of the crane?

Keeping a team alive is rewarding. Refilling a mana bar is not.


A bit hyperbolic, twelve stacks of mana tea is a full concentration potion in half the duration that doesn’t root you in place. An Aerated mana potion is only worth 9 stacks and has a 5 min cooldown between uses.

How is it hyperbolic when it takes a full 12 stacks of this thing to equal a standard mana potion?

More importantly it’s the mechanics involved — it’s just a mana potion nothing exciting whatsoever about it.

Plain and simply the devs need a way to restore the mana we are gaining from tier but please come up with a better way.

Really need to incorporate some more interesting effects at the end of channeling mana tea rather than just 50% mana cost reduction.

It could maybe be interesting if instead of the reduced channel time talent, you can choose 50% increasing healing or damage done but even then it’s really Not at all a talent I’m like “YEA SOUNDS SO COOL MAN”

But overall really not looking forward to it

Edit: 1 interesting talent could be that each tick of mana tea reduces the cooldown of Thunder focus tea. That could make it more interesting too