Plz Buff Heroic Dungeons

First of all, let me just say that this thread isn’t about loot. I don’t wish for an increase in the quality of drops in heroic dungeons.

What I wish is that heroic dungeons replace the old Mythic 0 dungeons in the sense that players could have the opportunity to fully experience the Mythic+ mechanics and learn the basics of the dungeon.

See, I’m a returning player, and I tried to do some M0 dungeons. Back in the day, I could just watch some videos and do a Mythic+ world tour, which usually was the first step towards dungeon progression. Then, I would get my own key and study the dungeon some more before attempting to run it. It usually worked, and I would have had a smooth M10 progression.

Please take into mind that this was only possible because I had an environment where I could learn the fights. I feel I don’t have this anymore because M0s are not newbie-friendly.

That being said, I think heroic dungeons could be a new place for learning, as long as they have all the Mythic+ mechanics, and the mobs/bosses were a little bit tougher.

Well, that’s my two cents about it. … Please, Blizzard, I need a place so I can properly learn the fights … Again, it’s not about loot, its about a chance to get experience with the dungeon …


Heroic should be about the same difficulty as an M+10 with all the same mechanics and affixes to be fair and proper for the players. Still available in a queue. Then you progress from there.

So who are you quoting in your post, or are you just using quote formatting for some other reason?

So normal → sit on the sidelines and watch the people who managed to get in before the learning curve was eliminated.

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how about no


im sorry, i dunno why it started using quotes

I think part of the reason so many are freaking out about M0 and +2 keys being hard is that heroic is way too easy. It shouldn’t be Cata hard, but maybe not a complete joke.


M0 and M+2 are braindead easy any pug is killing them now. They need normal entry dungeons to be on par with the old M0 then scale heroic to M+10 and keep going from there. Exactly as the players asked for.

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don’t need to replace anything


Considering a zero is now like a 10 without the affixes, I really don’t see the problem. If you had the gear to run 10s in season 3, you can run a zero in season 4.


It is way too easy for the majority of the players and likely needs multiple affixes added to it. Heroic should be more in line with +10 without affixes.

i need to re-learn the fights… and i feel that heroic should be a great place for that… same rewards that already gives, same loot, all im asking is for the same mechanics from m0 + that the mobs would hit a litlle bit more and have a little bit more hp … if that happen , your normal dungeon finder group wont be able to melt the boss and it wil give a chance for this players to actualy understand better the fights

I dont think they need to be harder in an all mechanics oneshot kinda way but i do think heroic bosses just need flat out more health.
Enough that unless you have a full group of mythic 0 or higher geared players all doing pretty amazing dps the bosses get to do their full mechanical rotation at least once. Currently trying to run heroic to learn anything just takes 1 overgeared guy to burn bosses before anyone else can really see what the boss can do.


No thanks. I stay away from M+ because I don’t want the mechanics.

M0s don’t have M+ mechanics either. They are just slightly harder. Usually the NPCs just have more health.

If you want to do M+ but feel like you need a way to learn it and not pug it, it’s best to get a guild or friends to help. Otherwise, maybe they could do some M+ proving ground feature.

Heroic dungeons DID replace the old M0 dungeons this patch, except that they’re queueable. M0 never had special mythic mechanics


There were no players asking for normal dungeons to be made as hard as mythic 0.

Yeah but that’s not on blizzard. You need to find an active guild/players that are willing to do so. Making heroics already more unenjoyable than they are for thousands of others because you want to experience mythic is wild.

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There absolutely was and Blizz needs to listen to them. Current setup is a step in right direction but still so easy you can sleepwalk through them.

so basically anyone who took a break then is out of luck? yeah how about no.

M0 from my experience doing it is difficult when you get people who lack a basic understanding of their class in the runs.

I’ve had a couple slog M0s on my mage this week, but the rest were a breeze. We just kinda walked through. And these are groups where nobody’s above 485, lol.

Exactly the reason why M0 should be at least a previous M+15 with 3-4 affixes. Thanks for the upvote.