
Nope, I play a very handsome and good looking blue hoof man. So, I mostly get called lewd words, some of which could be used as Gamer words but the context is different but still not wanted.


get firestorm, go unga bunga


It’s annoying talking to the NPC and people spam the barrel, what is wrong with people lmao

Not sure, I’ve gone to one part of the map and the chests were slightly different, but it seems like the variation might be low. It might be that they amp up the RNG in future iterations (or if they improve it over this short time).

It’s growing on me but I also recognize that my brain is great at stapling me to grinds “great work ethic” all that. Mousebinding the basic attack and heal is essential IMO.

Just a head’s up though:

Renown 24: 250 trader’s tender
Renown 33: 500 trader’s tender

That might be worth more than pirate xmog for some people.


I know it’s anecdotal, but I haven’t been called a mean gamer word in probably over a decade. Still, I understand how that can kill the appeal. I know plenty of people turn off chat in solo shuffle, especially. I miss the old days too.

I dunno that sounds like an invitation to team up in the future

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so one match i got 1.2k rep…not sure how but i did managed to upgrade 2 skills to epic and kill like 2 ppl, but idk if thats related

i’m waiting to see if they up rep gains or extend the event tbh.

Yeah, I saw the Trader’s Tender rewards and groaned.

I was about ready to let go of the cool pirate transmog and the mounts and the pets as just not worth this slog, but there’s a lot of trading post items I want to get and this is almost a full month’s worth of bonus tender. (I wonder if that’s why Blizz put both a 800 and 750 item in the trading post this month…?) I’m still not sure it’s enough to make me go back to this game mode, though.

I know it’s personal taste, but a battle royale is everything I hate about PvP with none of the things I like about PvP. I do really like that gear doesn’t matter, but that’s the only positive thing I can say about it.

When I do choose to PvP in just about any game, my motivation is all about doing things as a team - Either I’m healing/supporting the team directly, or I’m dealing damage in order to keep my enemies from killing my teammates. I don’t like games where encountering another player has the only options of “ignore” or “watch me squish this guy.” But this system doesn’t have a team (more than 1 person) to support. My second PvP choice, then, is some kind of stealth character, but this game mode doesn’t have that, either.

I’m happy for the people who like this game mode, and I’m happy Blizz is trying new things. But I wish there was some other pirate-y activity to do to earn these cool rewards - even if it was just group PvP, of ten 5-man groups or something.


I agree with this but the sooner I can get what I want out of this event and stop doing it, the better. I can’t stand it.

Once I hit 15, I’m pulling the plug.


Oh god I couldn’t do it. This game mode is so bad. All it served to do was make me miss Rumbleverse.

Seems like the ‘optimal’ way to grind rep is to land, complete the WQ objective that pops up on the right end of the screen (which gives 250 rep), then run into the storm and die so you can leave, requeue, and do it over again.


This is the way. Its kinda fun taking those abilities into the storm forever too.

But huge failure of the game when the PVE is more enjoyable than hte PvP lol

so i landed in the same area a few times. looks like nothing is set, but some spots are more likely to have good stuff. My spot usually has 2 chests with epics in them…cept that one time nothing spawned but i was surrounded by people who could only see me

must be a bug

Aww. They fixed the bug where you could /use toys in your toybox in Plunderstorm.

Going to miss using Moroes’ famous polish to get naked in that game mode. :frowning:

I’m not mad that PvPers got a thing. As it happens, I don’t think PvPers actually did get a thing in the first place, but I still wouldn’t be mad about it if they had. This isn’t WoW PvP – or WoW at all – so WoW PvPers did not, as a group defined by that label, get anything. People who happen to both play WoW and like whatever this actually is got a thing, but it will be taken away from them in six weeks, so part of me isn’t sure whether or not to be happy for them.

I am mad, in a distant kind of way, that they gave this a WoW Dragonflight patch number and put it on the WoW Dragonflight patch release roadmap and now it turns out that it is not in fact a WoW Dragonflight patch at all; it is instead a whole different game that’s stapled onto WoW for some reason but shares nothing with it aside from some visual assets.

I also don’t enjoy Plunderstorm, and if it were allowed to be its own game, that would be fine. Some of the ways in which I don’t like it remind me of why it didn’t take long for me to uninstall Warcraft Rumble. And I don’t mind at all that Warcraft Rumble exists, but if I had to play hours upon hours of it in order to unlock things I wanted in WoW, which is a different game, that’s something I would mind a lot.

The only Dragonflight content included in Plunderstorm – which was given a Dragonflight patch number and put on the Dragonflight content release roadmap – is the transmog appearances, which I must play hours of a game that’s not WoW to earn. And I can’t really make it something to work towards when I feel like it, either, because the entirely separate game they released instead of a Dragonflight patch will cease to exist in six weeks.

Secondarily, I’m also kind-of-distantly mad because I really did like the idea of a secret WoW patch, and I’m at least 80% sure that they will never think about doing it again – even though the problem with Plunderstorm is not that it was secret but rather that it wasn’t a WoW patch.


Finally played it, opinion subject to change as I throw myself more to the grind for the cosmetics. As a note, it won’t be the first time I’ve suffered through PvP or any other gaming slog for fashion so take that as a note with what’s to follow…

…I had fun. I pushed to Reknown 4 with a guildie in Duo mode and we died frequently but not without laughing most of the time. Going in with zero expectations, knowing you’re going to die every few seconds or minutes depending on the luck of the draw, and just enjoying the sheer zany shenanigans of it with a beer after a long day was a good video game session for me.

That said, will it be just as charming when I hit Reknown 10, 25, or 40? Will I even manage to get to 40 and nab the endgame prize without feeling the monotony of it all? I definitely think the notoriety will fade and I’ll undertake it with the same exasperated sighs as I did with my recent Shadowlands rare appearance grinds, but I’ll get it done to whatever degree I can tolerate and log off and forget about it when I get angry or tired.

Also, I had the lovely privilege of watching people tear one another apart in an otherwise chill Discord community over their opinions of this play mode. PvP brings out the worst in people sometimes — even before servers come up and they have a chance to play it. I think this will color the perception of future secret patches but I don’t want Blizzard to do away with the “secret” concept entirely. Next time, I hope they make it more on-theme with the current expansion and inclusive to more player styles. We as a player base tend to hold grudges and never forgive, but I hope we can be more open to surprises in the future and Blizzard more on point with the delivery.

That said, see you all in the ring.


This is really darn close to my entire take on this situation. Thanks for being less emotional than I am about it and putting down more constructive thoughts. I tried but was too annoyed.

Anyway…I have finally pieced together my entire strategy for playing Blunderstorm:

Queue in
Aim for somewhere isolated and while flying there, check the quest
Complete said quest as quickly as possible and try not to die
Run around on the edges of the storm collecting plunder and try not to die

Eventually, the storm closes in so close that someone will see me and start chasing me.
At this point, I run into the storm and die
I collect my plunder and they get nothing because they won’t chase me in there
/leave match

Again, truly engaging gameplay.

I suppose the other thing that annoys me about this is that I don’t want to be this negative, but I am. 10.2.6 isn’t a patch. It’s an entirely separate game. Any time I log onto Norman (or any alt), I feel like I’m making progress on that char, no matter how small of a dent it is. This is actually taking away from that progress because of how much time I have to spend to grind this renown just to get the transmogs I want. That’s time spent…NOT in WoW. It’s actually making me not want to log into Norman. After 5-6 matches, I just log out entirely and go do something else.

Good job getting me to not play WoW, I guess.

The one thing I want to say, Holly Longdale was kind of put out there as the face of this, with her subtle tweeting and comments. I am a Holly fanboy from EQ days and although I am clearly not the audience for an event like this, I hope neither she nor anyone else at Blizzard think “We should not do this again.” I am still a fanboy. (or rather at my age, is fanman a thing? I don’t know what you kids say.)

I fully appreciate people and companies trying new things. Blizz should continue trying new things, even things I have no interest in.

Just don’t lock cool pirate transmog behind them.