Plunderstorm will always be garbage without PvE mode

Cause people try to kill you within the first 2 seconds. If all you want is to get the grind over with so you can stop playing this garbage mode, this is beyond frustrating. Clearly didn’t listen the 1st time

Either remove the cosmetic rewards from retail, make it a plunderstorm only reward system or give us a PvE mode


I mean…depending on how you choose to play, it basically is a PvE mode, with PvP on the side. I get what you’re saying though.

Also, removing the rewards from retail would result in a pretty significant drop in activity. No one wants that.

That’s like saying you want rated Comp Stomp. It IS PVP. That’s the point of it.

Cosmetics are not a PVE-exclusive thing.

If anything should be removed, it’s the trading post recolors since you don’t have to participate in any PVP to get those PVP sets. How does that taste?


WoW can have PvP modes with rewards as well - if you don’t like the game mode, simply don’t play it.

Looking forward to seeing you in the storm :wink:


what exactly would pve mode entail?

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If that were the case that means the game mode is a flop. I honestly don’t care for it, but others do. They improved the time to gain those rewards a lot and most of it is obtainable in like 3-4 hours of gameplay.

But the point remains, if the rewards were not in the game, and it people didn’t play it because the they didn’t enjoy it, its time to move those resources elsewhere.

I would like to see the player engagement numbers after most have collected their rewards. That’s your best metric of how successful it is.


I’m guessing those numbers will be slightly higher than last time due to how “chill” the reward farming is. There were a lot of people who simply didn’t bother due to the renown track last time. I was one of them.

Most people aren’t going to play ANYTHING if they don’t get rewarded for it. That’s an argument that just doesn’t work here. Everything you do in an MMORPG is to get some kind of reward even if it’s down the road lol. A new mog, a new mount, a new achievement, a new title, better armor, new pets, name it.


Legit curious where people are getting data on how many people, resources and dev-time was spent on this mode because way they are talking its as if this costed us a raid-tier for TWW or something

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There’s an element of strategy in determining where and when to land, and an element of luck in hoping someone else didn’t have the same idea and land on your head. But I’d say I can go the majority of games avoiding combat in the first few minutes just by virtue of knowing what I want to do. And I am NOT good at this sort of thing either. I just learn from experience.

People play CS2, BF, COD, for no long term rewards. There are ton of games I’ve played because I wanted to, not because a carrot on a stick. If its fun, people will play it regardless of rewards or incentives.


None wasted per say. Its a different team altogether using Blizzard (Wow) assets.

This isn’t any of those games though. This is WoW - a game where most people aren’t going to be playing any content that doesn’t award them anything. People tend to play MMORPGs for some kind of reward at the end of their work. Socializing aside.

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God I hope that’s not the viewpoint of everyone. I play because I like raiding and dungeons. The collecting is fun too, but it’s not why I personally play. Besides appearances why would people raid or Mythic+ then? Seems like it’s not the main reason people play games. God help the industry if I’m out of my depth on that.

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Based on hearing why people are running raids and mytics, it’s for gear, Vault, whatever lol. That’s people conversing in Trade chat, on forums, on Reddit. There ARE people who do it for fun, such as yourself, and I cannot say who the majority or minority is, but based off just reading what people have to say, most wouldn’t run things if it wasn’t for an upgrade or appearance.

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this is the problem right here. this is where you are getting your info from of course its just a bunch of salty peeps. that said i agree with the other guy that if a completely different game like this cant survive without retail rewards then it shouldnt exist. its a waste of resources at that point.

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Only proving my point. We’re there ONLY for rewards. Then we peace out. It isn’t “fun” if it can’t hold it’s target audience. PvPers just getting fast kills on us PvErs who don’t enjoy it, and don’t want to be here.


How many times would you run a raid if there were no gear and no cosmetics to collect? Clear it once and call it good? Twice? Certainly not a dozen times per tier.

Rewards cannot be unlinked from activities when having rewards is the norm.

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Any MMO player base is going to be highly motivated to do anything for rewards. Many of us are playing the mode for that, obviously. But there is a pretty dedicated base that genuinely enjoys Plunderstorm. Clearly it was enough for Blizzard to send it back around to us.

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Then don’t.

This is PVP content. If you hate PVP then stick to your guns and stay out. Do you complain this much about every single seasonal PVP set?