Plunderstorm Trios are now Live!

Following weekly maintenance in each region, we’ve enabled the option to play Plunderstorm in groups of three.

Have fun out there!


Does this replace practice mode?

No, Just adds another button for trios

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Ok, thanks

This makes me and my two sweet mateys very jolly!


Was Pikaboo’s flight mode glitch on Celestial Barrage fixed?

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please add more rewards or an option to convert plunder somehow!

Is there a reason you didn’t say anything about trios until the day you added it? Like, did you know you were adding it? You sent out an email for plunderstorm saying there would be trios, then there are no trios when it comes out, then you add trios later as if that was your plan the whole time. Could you give us a schedule next time? There were topics asking about it last week and no one from Blizzard said anything about it, there was no information anywhere

Would be cool if there was a solo queue for Trios, i.e. no premades in the lobby.

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