Plunderstorm Rewards

It’s not pvp in the fact that I can get plenty of plunder without doing any pvp.

Yeah Marks of Honor are a pretty generic reward that come from a very wide range of pvp related activities. I think it’d be perfectly fine to be able to trade plunder for them.

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For me, the plunder is the most PvE part of Plunderstorm. I pick it up off the ground. I rarely ever (can count on one hand) get it from other players.

Blunderstorm: only worth doing for rewards

Yea, should be able to buy old elite pvp sets with extra plunder

It only makes sense

It wasn’t even gating. If you got em back when plunderstorm first came out you didn’t even get them this time around. Seems like n oversight if you ask me

No, I meant, why have a limit of exchange in the first place? I still don’t understand why they are so adamant about slow-dripping the currency to players.

The mode does need a currency dump so people can theoretically play it infinitely if they wanted and still be reward.

Maybe have plunder be converted to retail gold or some other retail currency.

How is that related to plunderstorm or pirates ? Considering that you can get plunder by facerolling i dont think it would equal to the rewards your asking

You should’ve used the Anniversary event to farm old PvP Tmog sets. Korroks Revenge quest and win/lose reward of marks made it EASY especially if you had alts to do it multiple times. The only old PvP sets I don’t have are the ones I just didn’t see a use for in my mogs. Tbh 12 marks for an entire Tmog set isn’t allot vs the 80 marks to have to purchase the ENTIRE PVP weapon season set and you only want one or two of the looks, they need to go back to the individual pricing for old PvP weapons, instead of the forced bundling with that steep 80 marks pricing

dunno if i would call it pvp i just run collecting gold and have all the pets, and when i am sick of running i go stand in front of someone till they kill me :smiley: usually cause most the gold is gone


That is the way!

Get a good landing, luck out with a gold chest or two, run around scooping up the piles of plunder, and unless taken out by the storm or another player, get bored running around and go find another player so they can get their pvp fix.


Hate to be pedantic but Plunderstorm is PVP.

I’ve seen druids run flags in Warsong and never get a kill.
I know people who flip flags in AH.

Most of the 40 man battlegrounds could be done just as a PVE experience.

But PVP is the core of Plunderstorm.

How I would implement Vicious Saddles (only the vendor mounts, not current season mounts.)

Make an achievement that requires you to get a certain amount of kills each Plunderstorm season (like 100 kills) before you can buy a vicious saddle, then make the plunder cost of saddles high … (I think they should raise the cap and then sell the saddles for like 100k plunder.)

Then maybe add a bonus if you reach number 1.

Like your other examples, Plunderstorm can also be played as PvE. I personally PvE as much as possible, unless I get attacked immediately, or if I get chased across the map. I know others who run into the storm after completing their daily quest.

As someone who doesn’t really PvP, especially not at a higher level, vicious saddles through Plunderstorm is a terrible idea. I would love to have those mounts, but even I can recognize how stupid of a decision this would be.


Rewards in this release of plunderstorm are actually more plentiful than last release, blizzard just made them much much much faster to obtain (which is a good thing)

It didn’t kill the mode either like a lot of the doomsayers claimed it would. I’m still getting full or almost full (55+ people) in my matches every day.

Personally, I never played plunderstorm for the rewards (weird pirate fantasy transmog doesn’t interest me).

I only play plunderstorm for fun because it is an enjoyable game

They’re not, it’s all the original and recolor of 1 mount, the pirate outfit, a couple of pets and the weapons. It’s actually less because there is only one version of parrot mount, and no tensor.

they should add the yellow pirate items that were on the trading post a few months back.