Plunderstorm Rep increased! We won folks!

Blizz has heard us and have increased the amount of plunder. Get it done before they nerf the quest reward.


Except they also increased the incentive for killing other players…we didn’t win much


I mean, players were already going after each other non stop anyway. Not much is going to change for the PvEers who just want to grind the renown other than going a bit faster. My worry is that Blizz is going to see us still doing the quest and leaving and will nerf the quest reward amount to force players to play the way Blizz wants if they want the rewards.


I feel like that is a good thing. Eventually you have to fight someone.

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Not if I can help it, the storm gets my loot.


its a step in the right direction but still needs more of a increase


Woo. :robot::tada:

Darn and I even made it harder on myself following the laws of robotics for Plunderstorm. :moneybag::robot::sweat_drops:


Ole Isaac Asimov was a smart guy.


Those buffs look pretty underwhelming. (Most people aren’t winning matches.) I’d have liked to have seen extra plunder for top 10 as well if they want to keep people from running for the storm after they do the quest.

In general, the original grind was 3-4x longer than it should have been in the first place, and the buffs are no where near that. This is not a win.

If they’re interested in plunder, the smart move is to wait until players have had a chance to build up their own plunder before killing them, as how much someone gets for a kill is based on how much the killed player had.

I don’t think the people killing level 1s ever cared about the plunder, so nothing changes. It’s a bit more incentive to actually PvP closer to the end, I suppose.


Thank goodness. Just means less time I have to spend in this before I hit L40.


That’s excellent news.

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it feels a lot better getting 1000 rep in a match until you remember it takes 2500 for a level and there’s 40 of them

TBH this change is awful, now the second i drop down I am targeted immediately by players and can’t even complete my quest. :frowning:


No, they won. Because of peolple like u.

U are helping them market a change that shouldnt of happen if they deliver on what they said in the first place( Renown will be easy to get even by most casual of casuals). And even with this buff its not on par with what they said.

They know if they increase renown to levels appropriate for their statement, 90% of people who play this will quit much sooner because rewards are done.




It’s honestly not enough.


I doubt most people even know about these changes. Also, it doesn’t look like they increased the level 1 plunder rewards for killing other players by much. So its probably the same people who would’ve tried to kill you either way.

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This is a nice change, imo. I guess I’ll give it another try tomorrow.

My whole thing though, is that, if there was a PvE option, this mode would be more fun for me to actually just play around with, than simply slog through for rewards. Having it predominately PvP focused makes it almost no fun at all for me, because I don’t like fighting players, as their unpredictable nature drives me literally insane.

Every time someone comes near me, I just assume they’re not going to attack me and are only interested in farming spiders. Then they kill me. My stupidity knows no bounds and my expectations are always way off. It happens not only in this, but in warmode in the normal game. It’s why I stopped using warmode.

When I go into a BG, I know, red = dead. There is no necessity for PvE play in a BG. WoWnite feels more like warmode, as there are still incentives for PvE play, up until you’re essentially forced to kill players at the end of the round. I can avoid players entirely and just farm mobs. This makes it highly confusing on what I should really be focusing on and I just end up getting frustrated when I get holy lord bodied in 2 seconds by someone way better than me.

But what do you do? Do you take out all the PvE options entirely? That would destroy this mode. No dawg. You gotta make MORE PvE options. Like a whole separate mode, or at least some sort of toggle or something. PvErs get their rewards and get to enjoy the different gameplay, while PvPers get to keep the original state of this mode, to play with people who actually like PvP.

Anyone that says a PvE mode would kill the PvP mode are just PvP griefers that want inexperienced PvErs to annihilate, because they’re the majority of those filling this mode. Any real PvPer probably prefers traditional PvP from the main game. To those who just enjoy WoWnite PvP, there will still be other people like that they can play with, even with a PvE game mode.

These wolves should be hunting other wolves, not sheep.

This is all my opinion though. I didn’t want to make this its own thread. There’s far too many.


Oh look, they put more emphasis on winning. This is gonna end well.

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I’ll give it a bit more time and see what else they do to it. This at least shows that they are listening.