Plunderstorm is here

A mentality I see around many ppl that don’t engage in PvP on a regular basis.
In some scenarios this is true, but I wouldn’t say it is counting on all aspects of PVP. The arena has been in a rather good state in terms of balance for quite some time (if we’re counting the attention it gets from devs in).

It can also be a lot of fun if you are outside the Meta Specs of a current season - PvP has skill expression like PvE doesn’t have - so picking a class that looks good on paper is def. benefitial for those that may are new to PvP or don’t play it on a regular schedule. If someone is not really firm with PvP it can create that impression easily that only meta specs are viable, but this is also true for PvE. Even in PvE some individuals have shown what Non Meta Specs are capable of despite being not the famous guy on the street.

They are getting different tuning already and have their own gear progression. There is only one case where this might affect PvE and this is the Priest Silence being removed due to PvP implications it had. This could have been handled differently I admit by just disabling it versus other players.

So this would mean even RP PPL should not get content because they don’t represent the majority of the population ? PvP is in this state after being neglected from deverlopment attention for far too long - It used to have a rather big community, and I believe a lot of ppl would pick it up again if it gets the attention it deserves. PvP Tuning happens only occasionally, and participation rewards are currently existing only in an abysmal state.

So PvP should only be played for fun while PvE gets everything ? Just because it has NPC it is still PvP just with some PvE implications. PvP Players enjoy also to have something that tells about their achievements in form of rewards.

This is honestly so narrow-minded - I really don’t like this mentality some players esp. in the more casual playstyles have that they should acquire everything without effort and to their conditions. If you do this, there is nothing left for those who engage in something regularly. This is meant to be a reward for PvP Enjoyers in a PvP Mode - if you sign up to partake in a PvP Mode and don’t enjoy it and just do it for the rewards, it is your decision to do so. Nobody forces anyone into PvP it is always a choice. Ruining the experience for PvP Players for the sake of PvE Players that leave the mode after they get what they want is not a route that should be taken.

The Goal should be to create a sustainable, fun PvP Experience that is in fact tailored to meet all playstyles and levels.

Which is totally okay to do - it doesn’t have to fit your enjoyment every time. I for example had a lot of fun with island expedition despite it being disliked by a lot of ppl due to the grind for AP.

Plunderstorm is also putting everyone on an even playing field - so what only counts is your knowledge at this point - it is far easier to pick up as you don’t need to know every CD of every class.


With great self-dejection and humility.

You bring up many valid counter-points.

Let me try to re-evaluate, and maybe clarify what I meant by some sayings.

I was meaning, in the context of this time-limited test bed of an experiment that there shouldn’t have been rewards, or maybe the reward structured differently.

If this wasn’t time limited, I could do this across time and potentially eventually get the rewards at my pace and maybe actually enjoy the event as it is. Instead of this, where I feel more forced to do match after match after match after match even though I have no potential of ever winning to try to get these rewards before they are gone for potentially all time and is just expounding upon my distaste of PvP.

As historically, this has been the case with all time-limited events that the rewards are gone forever

While I can understand where you are coming from, and I can agree that this can be a fun event to partake in… It’s just not so much when you have to literally do match after match after match after match after match to try to get renown for the time-limited rewards placed inside it.

Especially for players, like myself, who work M-F every week and who also have no way of ever even potentially making it to the end to even POTENTIALLY win.

The highest I’ve ever gotten was to 8, and that’s because I got the shrubbery hide thing at the beginning and hid in the center for the entire game and I died because someone saw me move a little bit.

I mean heck, there’s an entire achievement based around this event that can only be gotten by those who are either lucky enough, or skilled enough to make it to the end. Which, while I can understand it, I wish wasn’t the case.

Do you enjoy playing match after match after match of PvP just to die constantly? It’s not fun. No matter what I do, there is literally just no way I can even try to compete to win with some of the players who play this. I am just another stepping stone/body that provides “fun” to the other player. My enjoyment factor is significantly reduced especially when I land somewhere I think is safe, just to get immediately killed by someone else before I can even potentially even do the quest to get some plunder. If I were to ever potentially win, I’d probably have a different mindset about this event, but currently with my inability to somehow make it to be 1 of 60 people… It is not enjoyable to join a match, maybe get plunder, quickly die to another player regardless of what I try to do, and then rinse repeat.

Granted, at least in this mode I don’t have to deal with unkillable healers, or getting spawn camped… but still

I in no way want to be “handed without effort” these rewards, but the effort should not be what it currently is. This is how time-limited events like this, while fun, end up not going well. As the community quickly starts to enter the phase of “I’m doing this to end my need to constantly do this so I can do other things besides this.”


After playing now for several days for several renown levels:
The rep change was great I’m now gaining rep at a far more acceptable feeling rate for wanting to just go in and get as far as I can rather than dying early to maximize gains. I do believe people that alt+f4 in combat to deny others rep should be hit with a deserter buff as Vicara previously mentioned. I believe this mode would flourish with a comp stomp-esque alternative if you decide to bring this mode forward, which I would also generally encourage. If a grace period is introduced, which I don’t exactly find necessary with MMR being fine tuned, 30 sec max seems ideal.
I think most of the retail UI bugs have already been addressed here/the discord but I do hope that is resolved quickly because it is getting tiresome to reset several settings every time I log in to retail. Lightweight edit mode would be a godsend.
I still highly request an audio cue for getting an invite to party. Or at least the WoW icon in your taskbar highlighting orange as if you got an invite/readycheck on retail (though the second may happen and I was just blind of which ignore that part.)

ETA: I also believe it would be HIGHLY beneficial for the team to add a free to play weekend for plunderstorm/WoW immediately following the creator event to hard sell the marketing strategy. I believe realistically the mode should be base f2p but I understand why it’s not, hence weekend like what used to rarely happen.


Please allow us to pick who flies the parrot. I’ve played ~30 games, while swapping party leaders to try to figure out how it chooses the drop captain, but it’s ALWAYS my partner. They hate doing the drops and I’d prefer to do it.

EDIT: Also it feels really punishing to get into pvp fights early. You fall super behind leveling. Should get more xp for pvp kills.


Recommendations upon however many matches I’ve done now (renown 33) for balancing the daily/per match quests -

Make the daily 1 chest opened instead of 2 or redistribute chests on the map. Some areas have up to 4 close by chests and some there are simply none for miles.

Same for items, 1 obtained instead of 2 or make them drop more often/from more mobs.

These are by far the two hardest dailies to complete especially before someone decides to kill you early on. This would life easier for everyone but especially the people who hate PvP and only want to go in, complete their daily, leave, and repeat.

The plunder one is the easiest daily, followed by killing mobs (assuming you don’t land in an area that’s only beasts because then it’ll take a lot longer), and then the 3 powers one.


The Plunderlord title should show up in retail right? If it’s supposed to, I’m not seeing it in the list of titles.

I’m not a fan of battle royale so this event didn’t appeal to me but it’s good to see the game team trying new things.

I found the time required to obtain the renown levels very long. I gave up on continuing to play. My main focus is leveling, world content and profession (yes, i don’t like competitive environment like m+, raid and pvp).

The website below gave a valid opinion on some points of the event and i think it’s fair to add this player’s opinion.


While I can see this writers view, I hate the mentality of “Well, you chose to play this, so deal with it.”
A player should not have to deal with a time-limited experiment that has a renown track. (Edit: For Clarification, A renown track like this)
Currently a player has to do the following just to get to renown 40:

Collect 100,000 Plunder.

Seems pretty simple… but let’s peel back a layer here.

Let’s take into consideration that on average you MIGHT be able to get up to 500 plunder per match. You will need to do 200 matches.

Now granted, there is the daily which gives 800, and the initial welcome quest provides 1k

So if you were to only log in once a day, do the one match a day, and get 500 additional plunder on top of the 800 from the daily. That equates to needing to do about 75 matches.

Now granted that there isn’t 75 days in a 6 week period. There is only 42

So with that in mind. Over a 42 day period you would need to get 2,350sh plunder everyday. Meaning, if you were to get 500 additional plunder every match on top of the 800 provided from the daily… You would need to at LEAST do 3 battles a day, everyday for the next 6 weeks. (Edit: 21 matches a week, 126 matches total)

Now Let’s take into consideration that you can’t get 500, and you are able to get the mystery picked quest done to only get 250 per match.

This would transform the needed 2,350sh per day into requiring you to do 6 matches per day for the next 6 weeks. (Edit: 42 matches a week, 252 matches total)

Edit: And Let’s not forget about the mysterious locked “Feat of Strength” for getting 1 Million Plunder. In order for a player to get that achievement they’d have to get roughly 24,000 Plunder per day everyday for the next 6 weeks. or 46 matches a day by only getting 500 per match.

I don’t think I need to spell out how bad that is.

Players are right to not like the way this event is unfolding. When a group of people becomes silent about a thing, that’s when you worry. That’s when that group has given up even trying. If we’re vocal about things, we still care about it.

Advocating the trope of “If you don’t like it, don’t play it.” is a horrible statement to a person voicing their concerns about a thing. You practically told that person to “Shut up, nobody cares what you think.” They cared enough to voice their concern, and instead you wish them to become silent or stop playing entirely. This is what is going to end this community, is this mentality. The mentality that we shouldn’t voice our concerns, that we shouldn’t play that thing, “It wasn’t made for you”, “Just deal with it”, “Stop complaining”, or I guess even as the writer states inside their article from a known streamer “Just be … happy”.

Silence about something is not good. It never is. Voicing concerns, or praising actions is good. The mixture of the two is healthy.

Now, there will be those… outliers where it’s not… but for the most part it is a healthy thing


I agree with what you say. I just decided to bring another point of view to the discussion.

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It would be nice if (the Plunderlord set helm) could have a version without the eye-patch as well. Not all pirates are vision impaired and it would nice if the choice existed :slight_smile:


After doing countless many more than I should have attempts at this… I’ve encountered the following things that are annoyances on top of the already discussed annoyances:

If you click and hold on one of the abilities that requires you to charge it up… You can inadvertently pull it off the action bar and it’ll discontinue charging. You can also inadvertently just grab an ability off your action bar and toss it onto the ground.

Can we get an option to go into Spectator mode? Can the camera stay on our bodies, with 2 options appearing on the screen of “Leave Game” or “Spectate”. Especially given that this mode’s spectator requires you to “reload” almost every time you move to another player. Which is extremely jarring.

Maybe even implement what others have stated: A 30 person match, or a 30 person match with 30 NPC characters? That way maybe more PvE centric players, or those of us who just don’t have the reflexes or “Skills” can maybe have a chance of winning a game. Instead of just joining a game to be cannon fodder, or as many have come to think of it a “Stormrunner”? It is definitely not a fun game to play knowing I’m joining it to try to get as much plunder as I can before I inevitability die to another player.


Ya, that’s an annoyance for sure. Maybe a button for locking/unlocking the action bar next to the UI. I’ve also had issues where I’m trying to pick up an ability and normally where it only replaces the 2nd of that type of ability it’ll for some reason replace the 1st. And then when you trying to swap the abilities to retry it, it does it again. That seems like a bug, but instead of moving your abilities to the 2nd position to make sure you’re replacing the right ability, maybe a slider or something that allows you to select if you want to select the 1st or 2nd to replace. Just some way to reduce the juggling and potentially dropping the wrong ability when you’re trying to quickly snag something off the ground when there are other players nearby.

Another thing I have noticed, is why are the titles you select for your characters only viewable on others when you do the “ALT-Z” shortcut?

Edit: Also, why can’t I see my own title? Or Name?


Excellent. Please increase the pace of farming rep a bit more.


The rate at which reputation is earned is quite high already. You don’t have to have a lot of time to play plunderstorm each day and you can be renown 40. It’s been 6 days. Let alone however long the event lasts for.

I can definitely see there being increases to plunder down the road with new events, renowns. Hitting that 1,000,000 plunder milestone doesn’t make any sense currently unless they are adding features later.
I’d stay away from that grind until.

It’s alright. The idea is fun. I think I would like it more if the grind wasn’t quite so long. I think about three matches per renown level would feel much better.

I feel like many people’s frustration with it is that it isn’t WoW. We aren’t playing our WoW character, and that’s what we want to do. So they are forced to play this mode if they want the rewards, but they feel it takes them out of the game they want to play. I hope I am explaining this okay.

Like I think if there was a way to interact with this mode through retail and if we could play our character and chat in our guilds etc even if it was with the same limited abilities that Plunderstorm has, but with our own characters’ transmogs, etc, the grind as it is currently wouldn’t feel so bad. But it’s a completely separate game, people feel forced to play it and they don’t want to hang around, they just want to be done.


I feel it’s not fair that only 1st place gets a reward. I think we should get a tiny amount of plunder for finishing below 30 and then slightly more for finishing below 15. and then 3rd and 2nd place should get some plunder too.
For example:
Below 30 - 50 plunder
Below 15 - 100 plunder
3rd place - 150 plunder
2nd place - 200 plunder

And when does the event actually end? I think lots of casual players would like to know how far they could get if doing mainly the daily quest.