Plunderstorm is here

The lowest I’ve gotten is 10, and yeah, its because I did the same exact thing. I hid in a farm house until the very last second I could. And then got super killed by exactly what you encountered.


My original focus was 1 Renown level a day… but this is just way too tedious, tiresome, and frustrating. I’m planning to just TRY to do the daily and maybe think about if I want to throw my sanity at it over the weekends to make up for lost grinding on the weekdays. (I have work like a lot of people and when I get home I’m super exhausted.)

Unless they boost rep/renown gains like 1 plunder = 5-10 rep/renown, I’m not going to try to put more focus into it unless I’m feeling a bout of insanity.


We’re working on a fix to make it so that player weapon and clothing appearances get reapplied when you enter a new match.


And we’ve just increased Plunder gains:


Kaivax, Thank you for linking this here.

After waking up early before work to play a few matches to see this I have the following feedback:
PvP interactions are way up. Where before players would allow others to do what they needed to do to get some plunder, now it’s kill on sight regardless.

Levels are being gained really fast now. - To which, still don’t really know what bonus’s to damage are incurred, or if those bonus’s extend into the “Power ups”.

And I was able to power thru an entire rank of renown in 2 matches. So that’s a really nice change. Thank you. I didnt exactly know where I started, but it’s still a nice change to get more plunder. Wish it was a little more still though Could potentially, make the Plunder to reputation be instead of 1:1 be 1:1.25 or something along with this change?

I wish the health potion wasn’t on a 30 second cooldown, or only providing little of your health. Nothing sucks more than finishing an extended fight between another player just to have a level 3-4 walk up and kill you because your health was so low you couldn’t last another fight. I thought I finally had a shot at getting to win a game, had Epic Fire Twirl and everything, killed another level 8 just for this level 4 to kill me and then become level 9 with all of my loot drops and probably went on to win the game because of all my epic power ups.

Edit: Or when fighting the pieces of hate, winning said fight, and then being ganked by someone that just waited until you won to come kill you, loot the chest, and then run off with all your stuff. These huge NPC’s in this mode either need to have a “Everyones friendly” field around them or not be such monstrous creatures of death roaming the field. In my opinion, its just not fun finally kiling it, just to get ganked on the other end because your health is so low. Like “Yay I did it!” immediatelly followed by “sigh why did I waste my time, this sucks.”

PvP really isn’t my thing, and with this recent change that interaction is up a lot. Granted, Yes I know… Its a PvP mode, but man I sure wish it wasn’t. like I stated before, It’s becoming increasingly hard for a common player who doesn’t partake in PvP to potentially win in this gaining them the only achievement for this event. I, for one, would love to get the achievement to denote in the future that “Yes, I was there” with that FoS achievement. But I guess one can dream.


This seems very reasonable. :slight_smile: I just hope the team get there and find a distinct balance between fun and hit feedback. I agree, it shouldn’t be particular deterministic to see what is good, but it should be more obvious what an upgrade does and if upgrades are important or nice to have (f.e. should I replace my blue one with a white one of another ability).

and it is! - Personally, I’m enjoying it a lot, and I’m totally happy with it even if my feedback was a bit direct - (that is just the way we talk in my home country, no sugar-coating. We’re getting directly to the point where our mind is). Great to hear so many talented people worked on this mode to bring it alive.

Still, I feel like it couldn’t be bad to consider offering a more friendly experience to players who may are new to PvP / Battle Royale or just not enjoying it. A more casual solo focused queue with 30 players as secondary option to the both other existing queues could be this. This way, players aren’t forced into early PvP and experience frustration right away.

I also want to mention I would like more control about the area I land. The bird feels like he isn’t capable of flying at all :wink:

Keep the great updates coming, the plunder change is a great step in the right direction.


Thanks Kaivax for buffing the renown. I played a couple of renown levels on this yesterday, few matches. I will head into a few matches today also. One problem is just the RNG of where I land vs other players, I may not be able to do the daily for the match in the first couple of minutes before I get sniped by someone with abilities in the first couple of minutes. Other matches I’ve been able to survive longer. I prefer regular pvp to this BR game but personally, the event isn’t fun so am playing for cosmetics. I’ve only played solo mode, not sure I can rope any friends into grinding it while I’m on grinding games.


Is there a reason we can’t pull up our Social tab in Plunderstorm during a match? Or at least the waiting room?


From today, sitting in the “Brew Bay” waiting lobby, Attempting to change my outfit/gear/title with the NPC there, You have players constantly using the barrel ability to knock people back and sometimes even entirely off the dock.

Can this be fixed?

Maybe Additionally, can there be a way to view the entire renown track/renown level from the Plunderstorm waiting screen instead of having to either go into the actual main game, or join a plunderstorm game?

P.S. - Definittely didnt post that in the wrong forum…


Yes, PLEASE fix that. Because it makes it incredibly difficult to talk to Da’kash with everyone trolling with their barrels.


Another thing that would be nice (and yes I know you’re trying to keep the UI simple) is if we could track our renown as an experience bar.


A minor issue that has come up that I’ve seen guildies/friends mention is that in some cases players are leaving right before getting killed which just makes them disappear so no plunder is awarded. Would something akin to the Deserter debuff in the main game to prevent queueing be possible as a sort of penalty for people who leave?


Played a lot of duos matches today. Am not sure if there could be a mechanic to pass party lead or a choice on who gets the parrot to steer (I did my best). Perhaps a faster party requeue after we are eliminated. It felt more fun to grind with a friend. If anyway it could be possible to see the cosmetics without being in the regular retail game that might be more motivational. (Have no clue if this ask is possible.)

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First this event doesn’t feel it’s WoW, it’s rather an entirely new game. It would be better if it was a battleground map with some in game lore attached.

Another request to prevent pushing players away while talking to Da’kash. It’s so frustrating.

I think it would be better if a ranking system was enabled where more skillful players are matched against other skillful players and others trying it for the first time are matched with other more casual players.

Although I very rarely do PVP and I found the event fun. I feel the quests offer good enough rewards for PVE focused players. I managed to get in renown level 3 last night without much difficulty.

I am so happy that there are rewards both for Retail and Classic. Classic is usually forgotten in such events. And with transmogs coming soon to Classic it could get more rewards than a mount and a pet.


I’ve noticed on the forums that a lot of people expected it to be more PvE friendly given the initial launch trailers and things. Sure, you can do some PvE stuff in there, but some are complaining about the players who actively attack and engage others early on. A number of them even classify that as griefing.

I don’t know if there’s anything Blizzard might mention to solidfy what they expect people to do in a PvP Battle Royale so that people don’t feel like they were told one thing and another happened.


Players are now immune to knockbacks when standing near Da’kash Grimledger in the preparation area.

As of 11:15pm PDT this is still happening. Why don’t we just disable the barrels in the waiting lobby period?


What guys do you think about initial peaceful no attack period to allow players not good in PVP to complete quests, collect some more plunder and level up?


The bigger issue is the number of players and where players decide to drop. I’ve had as many as 3 other players drop into the same immediate area as me. If you reduce the amount of players by half and make their mount spawn points more spread out this isn’t as much of an issue.

Having a no pvp-timer sounds good but you could still have the issue of players landing near each other and fighting over resources. And depending on what your daily is that could screw you even more because then everyone is actually focusing on that rather than a mix of PvE and PvP.


This game mode is a battle royale PvP with NPC enemies too. It is all part of the game. Imagine Fortnite but you can’t hurt anyone for 4 minutes or however long you want to set. It goes against what the game is.

There is risk and choice to where you drop and how you go about attacking NPCs for plunder. Other players are also on the prowl for plunder and to be the last person standing.


It honestly should have just been a PvP only mode, with no NPCs, and no rewards tied to it. And definitely not placed onto the “For Retail” roadmap.

PvP in this game has always been, honestly, a rather mess. Only fun if you’re apart of the Meta, but it’s never been able to be balanced and when they do attempt to balance it… it weakens PvE. The two modes need to be entirely separated. Weakening classes for the many to help the few is not a good game play decision. Thats my main beaf with PvP in this game, more often than not classes suffer from PvP induced reactions to certain abilities.

The amount of PvP a player is now expected to partake in, even if against their will, to get these rewards is staggering. I honestly don’t know how this was an overlooked thing during design, because it is a well known fact that PvP is not a universally liked thing and only a sub-sect of the population actively participates and deals with PvP.

I might do a BG here or there for fun, I’ll never touch Arena again in my lifetime, and if this becomes a mainstay thing where you can actually use your main character to queue for at somepoint in the future I might dabble in a couple here or there… But this Grind for rewards, is really offputting.

Can confirm this is still happening even at 0430 CST.