Plunderstorm is a dream come true!


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What was wrong with that type of match making? Why wouldn’t you want some type of mmr

Did it kill the activity?

You should have loftier dreams, OP

I do want mmr in ranked modes.

There shouldn’t be any mmr in unranked team death match tho. That’s just silly.

its great but its killing arena queues big time

They already have skill based match making, MMR is currently implemented in Plunderstorm.

I dont hate the idea of an impending doom timer limitation where the walls start shrinking in arena or something to prevent people playing not to lose vs playing to win, but i feel like if implemented it would simply turn into “Play to get the other team killed by the walls” which would be valid but super unfun.

I like the way new world does arena. And swtor. And wow. Theyre all fun imo.

Still unplayable in OCE

And there’s your answer. Plunderstorm is a better and more modern arena.

Its more along the lines of what PVP in WoW should be.

I’m actually enjoying WoW PVP for the 1st time since legion or early BFA before the borrowed neck powers came into play. But I’m enjoying this even more than that.

I never knew I could play WoW and actually have fun.

It’s been more like a job for years, logging on. Grinding to get the mount or mogs. Doing the things to get the things. But plunder storm is an actual game, and it’s fun.

What a concept. Thank you blizzard for doing this for players who like PVP content.

We’ve had it rough for a long time.


Well, yeah. I think arena suffered from lack of…flexibility? Like, it’s a 2v2 or 3v3 death match. That’s cool, but I think mixing some objectives/pve in makes it a lot more fun for more people.

The small amount of buttons + no config/ui thing making it easy to hop into is also super cool, and no ptr means nobody got to research op builds for weeks/months


If people like Plunderstorm, that’s great.

But it’s not WoW. It shouldn’t have been marketed as WoW content, cause that makes me feel like my sub was used to fund it, instead of the game I pay in advance for.

And it shouldn’t have WoW cosmetic rewards gated behind more than ~3 matches. It’s a huge slapinadaface when actual WoW PvP has a severe lack of cosmetic rewards. Consider - Honor level hasn’t gotten new cosmetic rewards in years, and now the not-WoW side game we didn’t ask for gets 40 ranks of them. On top of S4 reusing S3 cosmetics. It’s just blegh.


You’d wager that your option would be included in ‘figuring’ rather than ‘forcing’ but I do agree. Does that fit from the perspective of the dev team in retrospect of an audience that includes healers? Probably not. Unfortunately.

I am having a blast with it. Its something I can quickly queue, dont need a bunch of prep, and every game feels different. I have won a bunch but have also gotten 50th lol its just wild fun.

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the game play honestly isn’t bad

but dying/losing due to ping feels so bad

I love aim-to-shoot and wish WoW didn’t feature targeted combat

But that’s all I like about Plunderstorm ._.

  • CDs are too long
  • Abilities are too few
  • Relies on RNG to get the builds you want
  • I like objective based modes like BGs over BR

Aim-to-shoot has its place but one of the big reasons WoW is still relatively popular is due to its unique combat system. If WoW combat was anything like New World, for example, it would’ve died a long time ago.

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The 2 things that make me not want to play Plunderstorm are:

  1. Needing to level up is dumb to me and it feels like you are punished for trying to PvP a lot of the time (especially at early levels) as it takes away time from said leveling. If you land in a bad spot (with lots of other people or not a lot of mobs) you are just perma behind.
  2. The item drops are just rng. There’s a certain level of skill involved in “making it work” with what you find, but sometimes it’s just really bad rng.

There’s probably more issues than that, but it’s what has mainly turned me away so far.

This is a legit complaint that i think has merit given I can’t think of another BR that requires you to level your character on top of leveling/improving your weapons/armor. Apex adding the “level” system to armor is the only thing that comes to mind and that was done as a QoL so everyone at the end had basically bis armor

My only pushback on this is the same thing exists in pretty much every BR save warzone and even then you’re still at the RNG mercy of ground loot until you can get your loadout. The bigger issue is the difference between getting something like rime/whirl early and star bomb/earth shatter early is striking which just means everything needs to be a bit more balanced

Even then, as you pointed out, there’s still a kill element at play

I agree and was going to say this as well. If everything was more balanced it wouldn’t be as much of an issue.

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So glad I’m done with it and 40. Never have to queue it again till they add more mogs/rewards i want.