Plunderstorm for the whole family?

I didn’t try Plunderstorm last time it came around, but my wife and kiddo did and they loved it. What advice could you give me for Plundering with the whole family? Can we form a 3-man party? Are there any races or classes that you think are “better”? (I read on these forums that shortie races can hide easier. Is that a thing?) What other tips ya got for me?

All races are more or less the same. There isn’t any class.

You loot powers for abilities. People kind of know “metas” but I would recommend playing around.

Odds are you will die early the first few times dont get discouraged

Lol your wife and kid are so gonna farm you.


From what I have read, Trios are gone but you can do Duo. Won’t know until it’s gone live.