Plunderstorm Final Thoughts

So just hit 40 with two wins under my belt, which means my opinion matters more than most.

With the obvious out of the way, these are my two hundred dollar bills.

PS is overall pretty fun but the fact it’s a limited event makes it the most toxic fomo grind ever created.

Yes I know of you don’t like it don’t play it, but people like rewards which makes this very clearly an exploit towards our degen tendencies.

Basically this needs to be a permanent mini game INSIDE retail. Similar to pet battles.


So abandoned?

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lmao :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_tea:

I…agree…I guess.

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Hey! You take that back, I’ve got 1700 pets I haven’t fed in…

Oh dear god what have I done :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:


Aren’t you the guy always making pro-FOMO threads

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With all the plunderlords roaming around my games. People on their 3rd alts (they tell us in Brawl Bay). I just don’t know how it’s possible to win and be the last.

These final 10 (and I’ve been in quite a few) are same people who love this game and I keep running into them over and over. They do the /cry emote all the time.

Natuarlly they have All purples (I get a few myself and it’s like no matter what I do to counter what they do = dead…it could be the same spell, but their purple does twice the damage).

I keep trying, but while I feel I’ve gotten better…those around me are just as good if not better and 9 times out of 10 are unkillable.

I tried to be sneaky and pick one off fighting another player (half health) and I was level 8 like them. I was dead. Same skills too. Same purple. I’m probably wrong but these goblins, vulperas, gnomes and such just don’t have the same hit boxes. Or where I think they are, and where they really are, are two separate things based on my Internet.

Also, the lag is horrendous. 200ms games with 40 FPS and only 10 people left. It actually plays smoother on landing with 60/60. It’s like the storm and all the dead players + items + mobs just add extra stuff to the game and runs like a slug at the last circle

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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That’s where I stopped reading.

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Yes, but I’m not a lunatic…

This ain’t skill like my gorgeous mop CM gear or my prestigious MY weapon.

This grind was a complete rng infested grind fest that borders exploitation of a degenerate playerbase.

Shame, could have learned something

I hit renown 40 the second day it was launched. Got myself around 10 victories and I can say I will never go back to it. Hell no, what an infuriating play mode, the BR genre is an incredibly frustrating slotmachine; imagine playing with 150ms against people with 5-20; yeah OCE players can 100% relate to this.

Ain’t coming back. Did the grind for those sweet rewards and then called it for the entire event.


It’s cute that you think that.

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Na, I’m pretty sure it does

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No it really doesn’t. But it’s adorable that you actually believe that.

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I was winning with Earthbreaker before it got buffed and everything else got nerfed.

I still say it was alright for a battle royale game, though I still don’t like battle royale games. I did like the +3 to mount counter and some usable transmog pieces though.

As a gnome, my opinion is the most important in all the world! Muhahhahaahaaahaahaa

Plunderstorm is fun but it’s certainly not balanced in any regard. Playing gnomes/goblins gives the player an edge, because it’s easy to hide, heal and pounce onto other players.

GD is getting better but it’s amazing that there is a special sub forum for this topic but you guys keep dropping your loads here trolling GD.

That’ll just increase queue times and doesn’t fix the part where people have to play a game mode they don’t want to play for these rewards.

No way!

Also, to clear things up I had my 40 done for a good while now. Exploit Early and Often!

Of course it does…

If it’s not time limited then people can work on it at their own pace.

As for q times, the roster can just be less than 60 as needed like it does now