Plunderstorm EZ Mode with a controller

For real. Use a controller. Blizz’s integrated controller support makes this easy, no add on needed.

Here’s how I have mine mapped on an Xbox controller
Attack: LT
Heal : RT
Attack Spells: LB/RB
Utility Spells: X/B
Jump: A
Equipment: Y

You still need to use your mouse to click chests/pick up spells, but for running around, strafing is easy, and it makes the game so low stress.

Anyone else using their controller?

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I found this to be true for the first plunder as well. Though often the double jump was not working.

I’ve been playing WoW on a controller for a while now and found it really easy to get into. Few minor hiccups but it’s been super helpful, especially since I play on a handheld most of the time.

Those settings didn’t carry over to Plunderstorm so had to rebind everything after my first game (which was dancing around with analog sticks and a bluetooth keyboard) but after that it worked a treat.

A minor correction: You can bind an interact key from the menu. Think it’s the interactable key from the first menu that pops up when you open the options. I bound it to D-pad Up and it works real well.

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