Plunderstorm and Remix Thoughts/Ideas

When it comes to Plunderstorm I feel 1 way to let it live longer assuming they bring it back now and then is using the Battleground maps that are already in game. An Alterac Valley or a Warsong Gluch map for Plunderstorm I think would be interesting. It would also have people understand those maps better I feel. I feel there’s several ways it could be done like whenever you start over in plunderstorm you get a new map or even have 1 map as the theme for the active plunderstorm.

For Remix i think it would be a good way to actully allow to complete any systems or instances that were intended for an Expansion. For instance, there was an intention to have a Shatrath raid for WOD but got cut, the only thing that would need to be done in those instances is just give BOss mechanics and adds. As for the loot it would just have any loot intended for that expansion remix.

When it comes to rewards, I feel 1 thing that could be given to both are Heirloom Gems and Incriptions, maybe even allow us to obtain upgrades for the heirlooms or a special currency that would transfer over when it’s done that would allow us to get Heirloom upgrades.