Dont get me wrong, i enjoy plunderstorm. its evolving, as the map changes show. But to keep it getting stale we need to have multiple maps happening. Changes like maps into rotations could add plunderstorm into the weekly PVP quest (kinda on the comp stomp rotation) and encourage people to jump right into a system that is suffering.
For Plunderstorm 3.0 can we get Undermine as a zone.
96 players. Solo 96, Duo 48, Trio 32.
Premade groups Solo, Duo and Trio, or pure LFG for all 3.
Instead of flying in, we can Mole Machine in. (group leader picks)
Before the round starts you pick a location within Undermine (the new plunderstorm location system before round)
Upon start of the round everyone jumps into a mole machine instead of a cannon.
Then there is a 15-20second timer where you can select the location of your mole machine spawn in (you can not see others locations)
For the treasure golem dude in arathi, replace him with a goblin cartel squad that patrols around the area. Cartel scales with game size, Boss, +2goons for solo, +4 goons for Duo, +8 goons for Trio. Always have a marker on your map of their location and patrol route. Random spawn on route at start of game.
Upon death you go into the arena. Every minute a fight starts and you have to melee your way out (no skills). Last 5 alive get into another mole machine and go again, Then 4, then 3, then 2… and so on until 1 person is left alive.
Keep storm wall coming in to control the area.
Healing pot charges from chests (up to 3-4) and new abilities for Goblin land.
Allow all buildings to be accessable except for Casino. Or when Cartel is cleared Casino opens up or something.