Plunderlords Midnight Crocolisk

Now I am usually the last person to cry about animals being hurt in this game since we are a bunch of murder hobos but the Crocolisk with multiple swords driven into its back is creepy and makes me question the mentality of some of the artists and higher ups that allowed this.

IDK, it just creeps me out to see a stabbed animal as a mount, even a Croc

Edit - Oh yeah, why do the parrots not have the ability to stand?


You stab a line of the bugs through the head to put a staddle on them its not a new thing.


It has a thick-as-hell hide, crocs, and in addition, the swords are stabbed into the treasure on its back lol.

I’m sure the animal itself doesn’t care.

Just happy to be there probably.


Don’t ride any forsaken horses then, they’ve had a pretty tough time of it lately


I do not think I have been on one for over 15 years, I got them all, and 5-600 more so it rarely comes up

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:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

It’s warcraft JFC. You feel bad for the hundreds upon hundreds of boars you’ve slaughtered?


Considering how much of walking tanks crocodiles actually are

Probably doesn’t even notice anything stabbed into itself, those suckers can get a leg ripped off and barely even flinch over it

Heck one of the tracking methods do involve cutting the little ridges on their tail off and the croc doesn’t care in the slightest


I think it’s rather disturbing that you look at a stabbed crocodile mount and feel bad for it while the game revolves around killing people.


That is still the weird part about the mount we had to raise and nurture. :egg::robot:


If you think this mount has it bad, imagine how poor Fenryr feels. He lost an eye and he got Boromir’ed.




I’m with you on this one. I absolutely hate injured/crippled mounts. Surely they should be retired from service and allowed to live a happy life?

Other ones I’ve noticed are the legless parrots, and the eyeless war fox.

We shouldn’t even mention Shackled Ur’zul lol.

It’s made of people.


That mount is cursed.

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Someone never played the DK starter quest and it shows. :yum: I kid.

But real talk, I’m pretty sure those swords are actually driven into the objects on the croc’s back and not into the croc’s back itself.

Yeah, I think they are supposed to be lodged into the coins on its back. Those are basically painted on so I guess I could see why some would think that this croc has been impaled.

If you think about the parrots hard enough, all the parrot mounts are missing part of a leg and a foot and they can’t land, lol.

The parrots in the starting area before the PS game are a lie.

When the people evolve to be cute, I’ll feel bad about it THEN.

Also, I don’t think either of the croc mounts will now be susceptible to being put to sleep by being placed on their backs. If anything, we’ve improved them.

The parrot mounts with one good leg? Probably cut content or never got approval as the WoD-SL crew are so anti-flight.

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Now I want boar in black sauce a la Tasting History dot com. Thanks, now I need to find some boar or porcine

The difference is one is a mount with swords driven through the coins into it, and the other is a meal when I am done with it :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: