Ok, it’s reset and WoW won’t be up for another 3 hours, perfect time to ask…
So I get the blue screen at random times when i’m on my pc. Most of the times are when too much process’ are on of course but man my Asus i5 laptop would never get blue screens (my laptop got robbed so i was given my current pc as a christmas gift from some pc seller at our local swapmeet. yeah, i know…). In between of rarely and sometimes though, I get the blue screen a bit after I log in. I even get the blue screen at times when i try to fidget the wireless wifi adapter because this pc seems to forget it has one plugged into one of its usb slots when I turn it back on from Sleep mode. The wifi adapter got a bit loose due to gravity so I actually have to use tape to hold it up once I find it’s sweet spot if it doesnt give me the Blue Screen. I’d get Blue Screens even before the wifi adapter got it’s usb head loose too btw. Yeah, I’m in a crappy situation.
Why don’t I buy a new tower u may think or take it to a pro pc shop/GeekSquad to check it out? well i’m poor af, that’s why (yeah yeah, “lol, you’re so poor, scrub, and i’m so rich”. blah blah blah, idc).
Well, i just got $66 and I believe I need more Ram to solve this problem or maybe a new wifi adapter. Maybe the wifi adapter that i was given along with this pc was the problem this whole time or maybe it’s cause i need more Ram, idk so that’s why I came to you guys. Ugh, I hope it’s not the Processor cause that’ll be over my limit. I’m gonna buy what can hopefully help from Best Buy. Both a new wifi stick or 8gb ram stick are under my $66 budget.
Here’re my specs. “Pls help me Obi-wan, you’re my only hope”.
Windows 10
Processor: AMD A6-7400k Radeon R5, 6 Compute Cores 2c+4G 4.10 GHz
Display adapter: AMD Radeon HD 6700 Series
Installed Ram: 8.00 GB
The BSOD could be a variety of things, anything from faulty hardware, to a corrupt Windows installation, to buggy software.
The first thing to do is to take note of the blue screen stop error code the next time it happens, usually in the format of ‘0x00000000’ with the name of the error right after it. That’ll at least give us a starting point of what it could be.
If the blue screen disappears too fast or you don’t want to wait for another BSOD, Windows has an event log that records all the stop errors you had. Go to the Windows search bar next the start menu and type ‘Event Viewer’. Within any of those logs you see on the left side, look for the red X marker from the times/dates your BSODs have occurred and copy paste what any one of them says.
When you get the blue screen again make sure you remember what this is in the red box
It’ll tell us what error you receive
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well check this out, i went into bios at startup and switched the mode from normal to Performance a bit after posting this thread. There were 3 options: Energy Saving, Normal, and Performance. I havent had a BSoD since althoughh** my WoW client did completely shut off by itself while in raid with my guild while still in Discord with em a couple times. Even had everyone running in place while i could still move but not be able to cast until I had to manually restart the WoW client but I could still hear them in Discord fine.
I told my guild my situation a bit before these client shutdowns and “frozen in purgatory” happened and they recommended I get another 8gb of Ram. Could having more Ram help with these client shutdowns as in stabilize my PC being able to handle all this?? WOE IS ME! D’;
It’s possible. There have been a few threads lately with users on 8gb have been having “out of memory” and otherwise strange behavior related to page file and ram usage, and even after a bunch of troubleshooting, more RAM fixed it for them.
But I’m gonna tell you right now, if you can afford it, to upgrade your CPU/Mobo/RAM (DDR4) vs. spending more money on an old platform.
That old AMD architecture isn’t very good for WoW.
yea, thing is i’m broke af and my budget is literally only $66
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If that’s the case, I’d consider a complete OS reinstall before spending a dime.
I’m sorry I missed the original budget in your first post.
uh, noob question but would I lose info I have already like all my programs, addons, music, memes, and documents doing so??
Ideally you’re backing those up somehow like onedrive, google docs/photos, chrome sync, microsoft account, etc.
You can also manually do that with external drives and stuff for large files.
yea i figured that. was hoping a reinstall had an option for that tho…
well, i havent had a BSoD since I set to Performance mode in BIOS startup yet so i’m thinkin for my budget another 8gb RAM stick’s my only option atm.
Thoughts, ppl?
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What Sal said - start with the easiest/cheapest option and backup your important stuff onto the cloud and reinstall Windows. If your issues persist after that, eBay has 8GB or 16GB laptop RAM sticks you can get for less than $66… of course depending on your RAM type.
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So i just bought a 8gb ram stick 1600mhz and it works with my pc. all doing well sofar.
question: should I do the custom Virtual Memory thing where I set Initial size to 16gb x 1.5 and Max size to Initial size x 3? Or am i good to have the “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives” box checked under Virtual Memory, know what I mean??
I prefer to leave it on auto so you wouldn’t have to worry about it.
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