"Pls give us Classic. Only make it like retail"

:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


The only thing I want from retail is the character models.


#nochanges will end up with you playing a much different game than #somechanges will to be honest. #nochanges is world buffs. #nochanges is mage aoe farming. #nochanges is feeling the need to juggle 5 professions to be min maxed. #nochanges is bad.


“A level 58 character boost is the exact same thing as cross-realm LFR, borrowed power grind systems, and homogenized classes” - People on this forum, probably.


vulpera death knights


I actually wouldnt mind that

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The people making each statement aren’t the same people.




Nobody said that.

However, we have direct evidence of why no changes was terrible for classic and drove many people away from playing the game. World Buff meta which encouraged buff logging. Mages exploiting in every dungeon to farm gold or boost characters. The worst version of pvp in wow’s history. Bosses that die before they do mechanics because people are so optimized the mechanics don’t matter. All of these problems could have been easily alleviated with some practical changes.


And all of these are optional.

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Give me a garrison in Classic and I will be here forever.


You’d never have to leave!

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Problem is a lot of people quickly make the leap from what you just said to lets add this and that retail feature. Even Blizzard took #somechanges as an opportunity add a pay to skip retail feature to further engorge themselves.

If they could just stay within the bounds of only introducing changes to fix obvious, unintended design flaws or to counter modern metas in an effort to increase authenticity, not decrease it, it would be fine. But this is seemingly more difficult than it sounds, as the original #nochanges crowd predicted it would be.


‘Just because Blizz is doing free xfers now and destroying multiple realms, and has put in multiple changes- doesn’t mean they’re going to put in wow tokens, faction changes or boosts’- people on this forum a year ago, actually.

What I can guarantee is when we get early LFR/LFD we’ll have the same people who acted like Blizz would never do it defending it.


Somebody made this post literally 10 minutes ago.

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selfie camera

I am not a #NoChanges advocate nor am an Anti-booster. I am pro-booster because it will bring more people into the game and that is a good thing for all of the classic project.

I feel like there should be some Fresh TBC Classic servers with no boosts and with no cash shops available on them (for at least 6 months) – sure link them with other servers on BGs and Arena’s I don’t even care about that.

Fresh servers would invigorate and validate the old world as people would be in it leveling. Bots would be less empowered without a boost. The community would be built of a playerbase that is willing to start fresh and give up all their time and effort in current realms - along with their geared toons, gold to buy epic fliers, transmutes, bank alts filled with profession materials etc - therefore the community would be less willing to foster to mage boosting and RMT/gold buying. Many gold buyers are already vested into their current servers after spending hundreds or more. Would there be none? Probably not. I am a cynic. But less patrons/demand for it means bots themselves are less consequential.


I am eternally mystified by the people who think there’s some consensus here that Classic is bad.


Talk to people who play retail it’ll help you understand.

Why would we do that?

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