Please delete as 422 error
Still looking for more to fill roster.
LFM - 1x H Pal and DPS
LFM for SL, 12/12M!
Bump for more!
LFM for a few dps and healer for SL!
A few dps and heals for SL!
LFM for SL, need a DH!
LFM 1x DH for core spot for SL
LF a dh and a few range to fill out SL roster
Looking for a few range dps, a healer and that rare DH dps
LFM for a few range, pref spriest/lock/hunter
LFM a few range dps to finalise SL roster!
Looking for a healer and a few range dps.
LF a few to finalise roster.
LFM for a resto sham and a few range dps
LFM for a resto sham and a few range dps
Bump for more!
Still looking for more!
Bump bump bump!