Please write a good plot for Mueh'zala tricking Vol'jin to name Sylv as warchief, and not make him look stupid

I heard that in alpha, they had Vol’jin simply believe in a stranger’s voice and trusted it to name the next warchief, and that would make him seem stupid. Please just write something about Mueh’zala actually tricking Vol’jin and disguise himself, maybe as Bwonsamdi, so it will actually make sense for Vol’jin to listen.


Shadowlands Alpha specifically states that Mueh’zala is the one who whispered for Sylvanas to be named Warchief.

Mueh’zala is Bwomsamdi’s Boss furthermore so he is an important Loa not a stranger.


Well Vol’jin didn’t know it was Mueh’zala, which seems to be part of the issue. And I think this is more of a petition-esque thread against what’s currently in alpha.


I was pretty aggrieved when we first found out that Vol’jin was ‘tricked’, mostly because of Ner’zhul and Kiljaeden happening again makes shamans seem really stupid and vulnerable to manipulation. I think it’s bad for the class fantasy as a whole.

But in this case, Mueh’zala is an actual troll Loa, and he has a connection with Bwonsamdi- who is Vol’jin’s main Loa. It’s different enough that I can live with it, although I don’t think this “fooled the shaman, lol!” storyline should ever happen again.


If only that were so, but we shall see. I get the feeling that “fixing the afterlives” will only give the remaining Characters a false sense of security. Or to put it bluntly, Blizzard might feel like they are subverting expectations by having someone get tricked by spirits after we supposedly fixed the spirit world.

Dying Shaman Leader: “The spirits have granted me clarity. A vision… and we can trust these death bed spirit visions because we just solved all the Shadowlands stuff…”

Witness: "Oh yeah. Those other Shaman Spirit visions were all tricks, but we have 0 reasons to doubt the ones you are having now. Unless it is some surprise that is supposed to be cool or something… "

Dying Shaman Leader: “Indeed. These spirits say to name Malganis as Warchief. He must step out of the shadows, and lead…”

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I don’t think there’s any way not to make it incredibly stupid.


I guess we’ll see. I think it’s strange how rarely we saw Vol’jin actually commune with Bwonsamdi. It seems like Bwonsamdi took a majorly hands off approach with Vol’jin as compared to with Talanji where he’s constantly present and interfering on her behalf.

Where was Bwonsamdi when Vol’jin was being misled? In BfA, he seemed completely out of the loop when it came to Vol’jin.

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The Zandalari and Darkspear have different approaches to the loa, like they don’t live among the Darkspear as they do the Zandalari, and I suppose Bwonsamdi respects that.

But it’s absurd that he didn’t notice he didn’t have Vol’jin until we asked him since a) he said in SotH Vol’jin was his favorite and b) in Shadows Rising we learn he is personally intervening to save every dead troll from the Maw. How did he not notice he hadn’t saved Vol’jin?
(The answer is Blizzard hadn’t come up with the Maw when that quest was written and they don’t care to address the inconsistency)


At least it’d make some sense if it was N’zoth, knowing that Sylvanas as Warchief would cause inner and outer conflict with the factions that he could exploit.

It makes more sense being Mueh’zala, though, and more importantly, it’s less degrading to Vol’jin for making the mistake.

As early as Sylvanas’ induction to warchief, the Illidari suggested that Vol’jin’s assassination was part of a larger plot to sow discord within the horde and destroy it from within. No doubt Mueh’zala would rather see the world destroyed by the Legion… and take the souls of the world for himself, then see Azeroth taken by void corruption.

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Looks like they gave Vol’jin’s story beats to Talanji tbh.

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Well as much as I hate to defend Blizz we still haven’t found when the “machine of death” was broken. Best as I remember it was rumored to be sometime during Legion and Vol’jin went right at the start of Legion so they may not have needed rescuing at that point.

In retrospect maybe supreme executive authority being decided by a leader in the delirium of death throes wasn’t the best idea.


I mean after Thrall named Garrosh as warchief for stupid reasons and you have Voljin who called thrall out on his stupid choice. I would have thought the guy would have been careful not to make the same mistake.

Voices or not Its stupid writing for Voljin to elect Sylvanas, especially as he never really trusted Bwonswamdi and defiantly didn’t trust Sylvanas.

Its just another instance of blizzard making Horde characters make stupid decisions to further the story. Just like Saurfang “im over pointless wars” agreeing to start a new one.

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Vol’jin didn’t distrust Bwonsamdi, he did have a certain wariness, but he bonded with the loa during the Shadows of the Horde novel and by the end they were buddies.

Yeah but for him to blindly trust him… No I don’t think so. Besides it reduces Voljin as a character if he completely trusts Bwomswamdi telling him to Elect Sylvanas as warchief after the whole Garrosh debacle. I mean if he was controlled by Muezula to choose sylvanas that is fine fine but if all he heard was a whisper from bwom I find it hard to believe the Voljin wouldn’t choose someone he actually trusts like Baine, thrall or Saurfang instead.

instead just him making the exact same mistake thrall did and no one in the Horde picking up on that fact. It is especially funny after they actually found out it was all a trick in the quest chain they still do nothing to remove Sylvanas at that time.

It was Zalazane from the Shadowlands wanting the last laugh.

All he said he heard was a whisper from de Loa and de Loa was Mueh’zala de chief Loa of Death.

Bwomsamdi had no part regarding what his Boss Mueh’zala did.

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Pretty sure in the quest chain where they are trying to work it out he believes it was bwom.

when he denies it thats when they going asking other death beings. They don’t go asking any other loa.

Its funny cause considering Bwoms connection with Muhezala in shadowlands. he probably knew about it and lied at that time especially considering the whole “boss is gonna be mad” comment about losing Vol’jins soul.

I mean…they ARE.

If they weren’t stupid, they’d be mages.