Please wait for other users to participate before replying

Holy cow. How long do I have to wait to reply to a message on the forums?

It’s been 10 minutes.

Stupid as all heck feature.

until someone replies…it’s to prevent people from spamming the forums and is NOT a bug.

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Umm…you don’t need to capitalize not in order for me to understand you,

Makes you come across as a completely mean person.

using proper english is NOT being mean. this is how you empathize a word in english. what part of this do you NOT understand?


With all due respect, and making every effort not to antagonize, if you perceive another human is being “mean” to you, perpetuating the “mean-ness” isn’t the way to solve it.

Two wrongs don’t make a right. I know, I know, it might seem a bit silly of me to mention that, but… well… here we are. The world has enough negativity in it. We don’t need to combat the negativity with more negativity.

Flag posts you find inappropriate and move on. One using language similar to what you used generally results in people finding themselves on forum vacation.

You’re right, capitals aren’t italics, but neither are designed to make you upset. They’re meant to emphasize a word, which is commonly necessary, because people don’t understand the difference between bugs and features.

Again, I am not saying you don’t understand, I am saying people - in general - don’t understand, and that’s why the emphasis was used. It’s just an emphatic. It’s not personally directed at you to upset you.

With no horse in this race, and again with all due respect, IMVHO I think you overreacted to Bread’s explanation.

Bread is correct, this is not a website / forum bug. It’s an anti-spam measure.


Your tauren looks cute as heck.

Unless you wanted your toon to look supa-fly. Then in that case, it does.