Please tell me why I have to pay to fix your mistakes Blizzard

It’s not conjecture when all signs point in the same direction. If it quacks like a duck, look like a duck, and poop on average every 15 minutes like a duck, it’s a duck.

Otherwise you could argue anything and everything is conjecture because you can’t ever prove anything isn’t just a simulation.

I’ve got to agree with this.

Even while I’ve done the lower-level work it’s been obvious.

To take one example of what I’ve been saying in this thread on the Faerlina to Benediction transfers and the EU equivelent: I could see somebody higher up asking why the faction changes didn’t bring the extra upsell revenue that was expected. This was the solution to that question, even if things like a large amount of Firemaw going to Gehennas fly in the face of the things said to you in the “state of servers” CC thread you made.

I wish I could think of Blizzard and other big companies as “good” but I know that things like fear of job loss or breaking NDAs kind of rule all. I tend to be pretty introspective about things so I’ve noticed a lot but I won’t share many details even years later of who I worked for or the problems with those companies, even under this random WoW toon avatar, and that’s mostly because of what I’ve signed. I will say one of the big things without describing much at all: I found a major security breach that was ignored by the higher-ups I told but discovered later by the users and that ended up getting the company into a lot of hot water.

This is conspiracy theorist talk. A corrupt, unethical duck this company may be, but it doesn’t mean that every single twitch of a muscle is dripping with cartoonish evil. :rofl:

That’s definitely true of most corporations out there. Though the fallacy is in thinking that most companies actually fall anywhere on the good vs evil spectrum. They’re soulless entities. The only time I think they have the capacity to be good or evil in essence is when the people who make up its structure are all like-minded people with common goals and values. And it seems to me like common goals and values don’t really exist among the sorts of self-serving psychopaths you see high up in corrupt companies.

The conspiracy talk is to say that they aren’t cartoonishly evil because they’ve shown nothing more than cartoonish evil across the years from a company standpoint.
Or are you telling me you’ve missed the countless headlines about all the creepy stuff going on at Blizzard??

It’s more of a conspiracy to believe they are trying to do right by the players.

We know the low level employees want to do what’s good, but they can’t because their job is on the line and their boss are Scrooge mcducks.

Why are you supporting them by buying their products? Bizarre. Equating free transfers that point out directly how they work, how they are time limited, how they do not provide a free transfer back as some conspiracy theory is pretty funny.

Just bc people make their own decisions that don’t work out is not some evidence of anything sinister. But, hey, back your assertions. Stick it to them and hit them in the wallet. That’s what they respond to, like most corporations.

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Because they have their grubby hands on a unique product.
I’m not providing them with any extra income outside of just a single subscription to the product I want to play despite them trying to make it unplayable.

I’m not buying level boosts, I’m not buying special editions, not buying cosmetics on their retail stores, never bought a wow token in my life, never touched their other products since Diablo 2 and StarCraft 1.
There’s just no real alternative to WoW, private servers don’t have the player base of classic.

Alright ma’am. I don’t think we’ll be able to find any common ground if you’re adamant that they must necessarily be evil in everything they do, all the time.

Stolen milk and cubicle crawls =/= free transfers are unequivocally conspiracies.

That’s the thing, I don’t think anyone here is one-dimensional enough to believe that Blizzard is always good. So I’m curious why you seem bent on opposing that view. :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re totally right about all this, but to be fair, if you think they’re actually evil, these are all just excuses for your complicity, no? :thinking:

Yup, Pagle and Mankrik have been wonderful since day 1 of WOW Classic.

It’s the pvp realms that struggle because people don’t enjoy being ganked and they always turn to single faction.

That’s why they don’t exist in retail anymore.

What I don’t understand though is why Pagle and Mankrik are one-sided. That’s always going to be a mystery to me.

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lol what a fanboy. go to bed. no one could of predicted that players experience. hes right he should get those transfers for free. Go get a job and learn how customer service works.

I realize I’m late to this discussion, but I wanted to respond to this segment in absolutely disagreeing.

I was on Mankrik (PVE) for several of my toons all through BC and was miserable because I hate not having the option to PvP (in the open world). I went there to play with a coworker. Even paid to have my PvP rogue sent there to find out (prior to WotLK) I couldn’t go back to a PvP server.

They had free transfers to Eranikus (PvP) and I jumped ship with about six free transfers.

Never once have I regretted it.

They’re not always a trap. They were a godsend for me.

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