Please tell me why I have to pay to fix your mistakes Blizzard

I just checked the “COMPLETELY ACCURATE ALL THE TIME” ironforge pro and see Gehennas basically 100% horde and Firemaw the same but for alliance. You sure your statement is accurate?

Sorry, it was probably my fault for engaging because I replied to you in this thread and I’ve read your posts before. I’d call your post style and the post to me as looking to debate. That’s not an attack to say you like to debate because lots of people do and that’s ok. There was a time I would have rifled through the Blue posts to explain what I meant but I didn’t want to put in the effort here.

The Faerlina to Benediction thing I mentioned earlier is in relation to this:
Free Character Transfers – March 3 - WoW Classic / Wrath of the Lich King Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

They say there was a lot of feedback but from these forums, that request was pretty much non-existent. Opening transfers between the biggest and only the biggest servers where one is almost 100% horde and the other is almost 100% alliance makes no sense to me outside of trying to get money for faction changes. A similar move in the EU caused a mass alliance transfer to the horde server full of people who then paid to make their toons horde. if you can explain to me how this decision falls in line with Blizzards stated goals for “getting rid of mega servers” and “creating better server communities” please do.

I’m not talking about you specifically. There are a lot of posts in this thread doing it and the same can be said for every thread like this. I really wish the forums had more people who treated each other with kindness and respect, but I suppose if I want that the WoW forums have never been the place to find that.

I’ll go back to this in your old post and say this: I don’t consider the OPs “utter petulance” to be “insufferable”. I see someone who was trying to do the right thing and who got hurt repeatedly. YES, there could be foresight BUT to me, it does not matter.

There are threads on here where people randomly attack others parses I find that kind of thing to be FAR more insufferable because that tends to be (sometimes group) bullying and bullying is wrong.

A guy that wants to vent about his side on his server dying though after he tried to do the right thing. To me, that’s completely acceptable and he deserves what’s basically a hug.

I also don’t understand defending a non-sentient company over a person and never will.

All the top guilds left Firemaw (as well as a bunch of fomo leaves). We haven’t had a new reset in EU yet (it’s today) so we’ll see how the numbers really pan out.

(they used to be even on pop, now its 25k vs 15k)

I’ll try to answer this.

We know that there are games that handle way more concurrent players than WoW Classic. So we know it’s technically possible. Since that’s the case, when they say it’s not possible, that either has to mean it’s not financially feasible, or that the games code won’t support more users for some reason and it would take way tool long, and cost too much money, to isolate why that is and fix it.

Sometimes, inaction is an action on it’s own. It’s not like Blizzard could do nothing to stop this. Not saying I think restricting player freedom is better, but they did have that option.

Which brings me to the point of the thread. Everybody wants to say “BLIZZARD SHOULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING!!!”, but nobody wants to say what that is. Lets all be honest, restricting player freedom with some kind of faction locks would suck. You’d have a similar situation to Wrath launch where PvP realms would have queues for Horde basically every night. And if they implemented this system on PvE realms also, then you’d have even longer queues on PvE realms for Alliance. I’d hate to be some dad who finally gets his hour and a half a night to play, only to find and hour queue waiting for me. Yeah, queues were bad during Wrath launch, but at least everybody knew that was temporary. This would last forever. That guy would either have to reroll Alliance and leave his friends behind, roll PvE and leave his friends behind, or quit.

So if you have a children and both the babies decide to throw their food on the ground. Then theyre crying that theyre hungry.
You mean to tell me that its the babys fault the foods on the ground? Get real. Thats like building on ramps that go the wrong direction on the freeway or highway. Its illegal but we are still gonna allow you the ability to literaly kill yourself. This guy is hard coping tbh

I’ve been watching the recent Firemaw story. So many free transferred off so that they could faction change to play horde that the free transfers were shut off. Now Firemaw is opened back for paid transfers. It’s pretty crazy. That plus the story of it being the perfect 50/50 server that turned to 99% ally in one week a year ago makes that server an interesting case study. Either way I see this all as a cash grab.

The same hasn’t happened here but we absolutely have been having Benediction people transfer to Faerlina even though it hasn’t been nearly as many. You’ve got to watch because some who are transferring burned bridges on Bene and on a 30k server that’s a tough thing to so so it must have been bad. So the Faerlina guild leaders have a watchlist.

All of this is precisely why I agree with them enforcing limitations on the playerbase. But nothing you’ve said even comes close to explaining how the concept of giving the players freedom to do what they want is an objectively incorrect decision.

If you look at my post history, you’ll see that we agree that Blizzard allowed this situation to happen, and they shouldn’t have. My problem with your thinking is that you’re framing it as a situation where you were guaranteed a positive outcome and that you are being forced to pay to “fix” it because it didn’t work out that way. It’s simply not true.

All this to say, there will always be pros and cons to your choices, and in this case, you could’ve chosen to deal with the con of temporary queue times to stay on a highly populated realm, or you could play on a realm that had no queue times at the absolute peak of people rushing to play the game, and you chose the latter. There were hundreds of posts on these forums at the time which accurately predicted that it was a bad idea to flee the queues. And I don’t say it because I think “People should do their research and see what people are saying online”. I say it because it was easy enough to predict the outcome, and anyone who really gave the decision some thought could come to the same conclusion.

This is the problem though, cross-realm isn’t a solution for Classic, because cross-realm is something that the WoW team themselves have explicitly said is anti-Classic. That’s technically a solution to the problem, but it introduces multiple other problems, each of which is far worse than the problem cross-realm would solve.

You have to address these problems within the scope of your game, and the scope of Classic doesn’t allow for cross-realm as a solution to overcrowded or underpopulated realms, at least for now. The WoW team might end up changing their mind at some point, but until that happens, having people on individual servers is a pivotal part of the game’s general experience.

I see, that’s understandable.

I’m surprised to see you say so. :open_mouth: To me, it seems like they just threw a life line out to players who were stuck on a realm where their own faction was dead and the enemy faction makes playing the game virtually impossible.

Being that the transfers are free, I don’t really see how it could’ve led to profits for them.

Allowing people to transfer freely between 2 locked mega servers doesn’t specifically help dismantle mega servers, but it certainly doesn’t make the problem worse either. As long as those servers are still locked and there’s no way for people to migrate to them from the general population, then the servers are still going to be gradually shrinking and bleeding off small amounts of population into the rest of the playable realms.

Also, I’ve personally seen plenty of threads here of people complaining that they’re stuck on a dead faction and have no choice but to transfer or quit. It’s definitely a thing!

For the most part I agree with you!

It’s not so much about “defending” any one side and more about addressing angry statements people make when they’re being unreasonable. I see what you mean, but I think “customer is always right” is a terribly unreasonable way to think. I see no reason why we should just indiscriminately support anyone who’s angry with the company regardless of where that anger comes from.

Well, there’s a third option as I mentioned above. And that is that the only technology solutions to the problem aren’t acceptable solutions for Classic. Sure, maybe they could implement some kind of new age server meshing and run single realms on multiple servers to artificially increase the number of people who can log in. But clearly even just the capacity a regular server is capable of is an unacceptably huge amount of people to begin with.

And I really mean “maybe”. I don’t know anywhere near enough about their backend to have any idea if it’s reasonably possible even if money were no object.

Sure, but what if we made it impossible for the babies to throw their food in the first place and then they just cry about that instead? What I think you may be failing to realize here is that the babies are going to screech no matter how the proverbial adults approach the situation.

Look no further than these forums to see clear examples of people who are upset over the realm locks saying things like “Why won’t you let me play with my friends”?

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Its 2023 and its been proven they could of updated and improved their servers to allow any population as microsoft has some of the most powerful ones in existence. The fact of the matter is this is classic, their current version of the game they want people to play is also a giant failure gameplay and class design wise to me and many others. Even if you disagree with me this company made 7.53 billion dollars profit for 2022. 7 AND A HALF BILLION DOLLARS. We need a new game asap i catch myself being passionate about this dead game and i need to remember this game died during legion long ago.

Oh yeah? So which servers should they upgrade to? And which ones are they currently using again? :thinking:

I’ll look after reset again but right now they’re both 99% mono faction still.

Appreciate the info though!

While I would agree with you free transfers from Faerlina and Benediction to other realms were available for months. The free transfers were available to Sulfuras then Eranikus and later some others starting prior to Wrath C. So those players who were stranded as horde on an alliance-dominated server and the like were able to free transfer months ago. I did agree with Blizzard offering some of these transfers at the time and thanked them at the time in response to their blue posts because I do believe in giving credit where it’s due.

I get the impression you haven’t been following transfer news so maybe you weren’t aware of all this.

Faction changes. You get the transfer free and pay for the change.

In the EUs case, so many players transferred that Gehennas is bloated and Firemaw lost so many that paid transfers have been opened back into the server.

And will be after the reset too since the Firemaw allies paid Blizzard for a faction transfer to play on Gehennas.

Which is insane cause servers like Earthshaker are still locked for transfers.

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So the allies swapping servers didn’t really effect much then as both are still 99% mono faction.

Outside of the size of the servers.

I applaud you for being able to follow your own circular logic, but despite that I think we have more in common than we’d admit.

Blizzard is actively cultivating an environment where, left to their own devices, servers will naturally become unbalanced. And despite decades worth of experience in human behavior, refuse to do anything about it (or at least anything more than the way too late “free” realm transfer that winds up to be a monkey’s paw). And then on top of that they offer a paid transfer service as a “solution”.

It’s like if Volkswagen programmed their cars to pass emissions only during regulatory testing, never got caught, and then then charged their customers after the fact so they could pass yearly testing.

This is more than just negligent. It’s a corrupt and unethical business practice.


They can either
A - lock servers as they are doing currently which will anger part of the player population
B - set hard caps on factions per server which will also anger some players and create issues of its own down the line with server balance.
C - continue with how they have now and let players choose where to play and have player accept that this situation is a player choice one, not a blizzard negligence one.

Unless someone has a better option?

While I see the spirit of that idea…the year is 2023. not 2008/9.

in 2008 12 million players found a way to live across many more servers of 2000 to 3000 players. and these were lively at 3K.

its 2023. 2000 is life support levels. being nice that is 1000 alliance, 1000 horde. not the best setup this, imo.

I have seen this. I took my OB Human paladin. faction changed her to blood elf. Later moved her to whitemane. QOL for her improved greatly. 18450 horde by ironforge gives way more options than 1335 on OB. Ironforge numbers from a look up jsut now.

“Mega” server life is much better in this game.

Also players are older. 2008 I could look at that clock say 2300, go all I need is 4-5 hours sleep and an extra cup of strong coffee in the morning. I can wait out this stuff 1-2 more hours and function the next day.

2023, if I am gaming at even 2330 its me winding down on the steamdeck…in bed lol. Real work in games on the pc, and I wind the night down doing clean up/small chore crap on steam deck.

Steam cloud save sync is truly a great thing lol. Its like reading a book before bed kind of for me.

How are your and other players’ poor decisions blizzards fault in any way? This is just how classic is. The kids all flock to one server per faction and leave the rest empty. The ones that don’t want to wait in queues for that one special server endlessly hop around trying to find another good server instead of just staying where they’re at and building a community.

None of this is Blizzard’s fault.

Furthermore, you CHOSE multiple times to pay for a transfer. You were never forced.

Blizzard has mishandled the servers… But the players definitely made a lot of profoundly stupid and selfish choices.

Classic is a dumpster fire.