Please switch Lava Lash talent node

The new talents for Enhance are a nice change but some of the storm builds are still forcing Lava Lash when we really don’t need it. Not sure which talents they could switch but it needs to be moved around.

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Enhancement without Lava Lash is an abomination and shouldn’t be possible in the first place.


Enhancement without Windfury is an abomination and shouldn’t be possible in the first place.

Who tf thinks of Lava Lash when they think of Enhancement Shaman?


Lol seriously I didn’t know it was that iconic apparently.

Lava Lash spreads flameshock and serves as a good filler and maelstrom builder.

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It’s been a staple of our rotation 7x longer than 2h Enhancement was a real thing.



Me, along with other spells. Same way I think of Mortal Strike, Colossus Smash and Execute when I think of Arms.


Sure it would be there on a list but if you poll what single ability they most associate with enhance, Windfury, Stormstrike, and Feral Spirits takes top 3 spots by a significant margin.

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