Please support this change request thread for Holy in SL

Just want to share for visibility, I want to get as many eyes on it as possible to increase the likelihood that Blizzard actually listens this time around:

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To be honest they just need to increase the amount that Prayer of Mending heals to half of what Heal does per tick and I would be happy forever. They can nerf the amount our Holy Words do, I really don’t care as they end up overhealing most of the time anyways. Making Prayer of Mending actually effective would end up fixing many problems. It’s a passive heal that would allow us to focus on dpsing more as long as we make sure to cast it as often as we can. But right now it literally just tickles the health bars. It only heals for 10,000 at an average 460 ilvl with at least one of the azerite traits that increases it’s healing. Keep in mind we are literally at 450k+ health now. In WoTLK it healed for 6,000 at the ICC stages when we had 25k-40k health. The ratio just goes to show how garbage the spell has become in order to make room for our “Miracle” Holy Words.

Umm…I do understand why M+ don’t want Holy, but seeing the Disc abilities in Shadowland is just crazy. What’s happening to Holy?