Please stop with the patron orders that need 50,000+ gold worth of materials for a 50g tip

seems especially egregious in blacksmithing. Crafting orders that need me to provide 5, 8 or even 10 sanctified Alloy, (5.5k each so 55k just for the alloy). Making the alloy isn’t much cheaper since it takes 1 tinderbox per 2.

Everforged X weapon patron orders should include the sanctified alloy


It’s a huge problem with BS orders in particular. I would say Engineering is also bad because a lot require Chaos Circuits that are expensive but not quite as bad as BS.


Getting orders that need 4 sanctified alloy as a tailor is fun. I can’t even make it.

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To be fair, I do not look at patron orders for the gold. But there is also no frickin way I am getting 40k gold in alloys to piss it away for 2 KPs.


Just today I had 2 enchanting orders and 1 tailoring that provided ZERO mats for 10 acuity and 3 r1 ore. Just really dumb.

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So just don’t do those ones? I guess I solved your dilemma, you’re welcome.


Unfortunately, it seems to just offer the same order when it times out. My blacksmith has had a stupid helmet order for two weeks now that would burn 50k in mats for 2 KP.

Even having a reroll per week on a single patron orders would make blacksmith a little less awful.


Yea, I’ve got one in the cue that is asking for 100 storm dust and some other expensive enchant supply and I’m like, yea, no thanks

That might be an option if it wasn’t about 50% of the patron orders that come in.


This solves nothing actually! The onus is on Blizzard as they are the ones who designed this poor system.

Yeah well what about the people who want to do those orders? It’s extremely selfish and inconsiderate to want those orders not to show up. I don’t care if it costs some gold it gives me knowledge. I usually think, If I could buy an unlimited amount of knowledge as fast as possible, would I pay this price, and almost always it’s yeah, i’d pay 20 k per point, why not. In a lot of these cases, you actually are getting THREE points for 20k. So if you could just go to the vendor and be like yes I would like to purchase a knowledge point for 7k please, EVERY SINGLE PERSON would have maxed out their tree yet here you all are complaining about it.

Oh you just fundamentally misunderstand the ask of the OP and this whole thread. My bad I didn’t realize that.

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Jewelcrafting has this issue as well. If patron orders are going to be the primary way to get knowledge for professions, it makes more sense that the cost of the average patron order is fairly close across the board for all professions.

Enchanting always has cheap 500g patron orders that get paid back from the bag rewards, while Jewelcrafting has 5000g patron orders for the same reward. The cost to get some of the knowledge is just outrageous and unaffordable.

For a lot of these, the difficulty of the thing you need to craft requires concentration even with max skill from the knowledge tree, or it requires a very expensive tier 3 material, which is not the case for professions like inscription.

The materials provided by the patron could be made a little less random so the most expensive materials that cost 5k+ are provided by the patron so it’s actually worth considering filling the patron order.

These overly expensive patron orders also means some professions provide significantly less artisan’s acuity, making professions like enchanting a good pairing with anything just for the free acuity patron orders.

Or, and this could be a hot take, people could not be selfish/greedy insert negative descriptor here and price the lower quality mats at prices that some might be willing to take that small loss on. 50k gold for the top quality mats needed? fine, 50k gold for the CRAP quality? get a life unless one is trying to buy a stockpile.

Keep in mind, for a lot of these mats, it is not Blizzard setting the price, it is your fellow players doing so.

Blizzard controls the prices by controlling the rarity of materials and their usefulness.

Some mats are as common as dirt, at least at lower qualities, and are still priced high.

Blizzard may control the rarity and usefulness of materials, but PLAYERS set prices as high as they are, and keep in mind, I even said that higher quality can still be priced high, but lower quality mats should be lower/more reasonably priced.

When it comes to things like the tinderboxes, I think those should be provided for the patron orders, same with the mats that require such (the sanctified alloy). But at the same time, why do people post things they gather/make with materials they gathered at such high prices when all they make would be pure profit?

To put it another way, Blizzard controls rarity and usefulness, players control prices based on said rarity and perceived usefulness as well as faulty reasoning like everyone has a ton of gold to spend, or are willing to spend what they have.

I never said Blizzard was innocent in the pricing, they also made it way too easy to get gold with not enough gold dumps after all, But who posts items on the AH at high prices, Blizzard or players?

It’s really simple economics. Supply and Demand.

Blizzard controls both.

BZZZT! WRONG, Supply is based on both drops and willingness of players to put things on the AH, Demand is based on what the mat is used for and how much people are willing to pay for it. So Blizzard has a hand in both, but so do players.

Blizzard CAN increase the supply, but players can also decide not to sell the increased supply to keep prices high. To sum it up, only a FOOL would pin it all solely on either Blizzard or players, it is the combination of both that drives prices up.

To illustrate that players have a hand in supply/demand of mats, what is to stop me from stockpiling say the profaned tinderboxes and then selling them at 1/4 to 1/2 of the lowest price on the AH? Absolutely NOTHING unless I was playing the AH and wanted to make a profit off of them. As far as AH plyers go, what is stopping them from buying cheep mats up and selling them at 10, 20, maybe even 100 times more? only the fact that, based on the material, they might not be able to buy all the cheep ones up and sell before more are listed.

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The BS orders are dreadful. Theres some other professions where I cant do a 2kp order and then in the next week get offered a 1kp order for the same item requiring less skill and providing all the expensive mats. I got offered a 1kp order in BS for the same skill required and requiring the same 50k in mats. Totally broken.

I run into the same issue on my DK, the main cause of it is the sanctified alloy, made by BS with profaned tinderboxes (5k+ per on AH currently). and the fact the BS plans take so many alloy.

Blizzard can change a few things, more tinderboxes available or less alloy needed, but the cost is out of their hands as long as people will buy the tinderboxes, or alloy, at the high prices.