Please stop giving in-game rewards only for classic or retail!

The rewards for 6 month subbing, for events, etc., give pets and mounts on either classic or retail. This has been going on for a long time.

There are players who won’t touch retail or classic no matter the reward. This is useless for collectors who can’t get these rewards to count for their collections.

I still don’t understand why the rewards can’t go to both game versions? If it’s some miss-guided attempt to get people to play both, I would be surprised it works for many players.

At the very least, let the players decide which version the rewards go to.


Retail stuff can’t go to classic as the aesthetic doesn’t quite fit.

Well, there’s plenty of other stuff for them to collect.

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That sounds like a choice made.

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A mount or pet is an aesthetic? There have been new mounts and pets that have only gone to classic so I don’t understand.

Yes? Modern retail cosmetics don’t really have a place in classic. The other way around is probably fine, though.

Yes, having a choice of rewards that go to the version you play (and pay for) would be a great idea. yes yes, i know that the sub covers both, but i expect many can’t spend the time to play both versions except on a casual basis.

Even those mog hunters, or other collectors who play both, aren’t going to see that toy, pet, mount or w/e, count for their total collection count.

classic items from bnet dont count for retail achievements if they dont exist in retail they dont count against you for not having it in classic so its not a part of your collection

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It should be though, just like classic players who don’t receive retail items should be able to do so.

you say that like they havent been putting retail quality items into classic exclusively

It’s better than the past when you simply paid 6 month subs for the savings and got nothing else.

I know you probably understand this, but I’m gonna throw it out there anyway in the off chance that you’re just not picking up on what they’re putting down. The reason they split the rewards and make them very specific to each game is because they want you to stay subbed so that you have to play both games and not just one and then you spend more time giving them more money because you’re playing two of their games at the same time instead of one and you can’t just un sub to walk away from it :blue_heart:

It’s all they’ve got to keep people playing classic :person_shrugging:

It would be more accurate to say i don’t want to step in what they are putting down. :wink:

If i play one game for 8 hours or play 2 for 4 hours there is no advantage for microsoft, i mean blizzard.

one sub covers many game versions.

I played vanilla 20 years ago, I have ZERO interest in playing a cleaned up/less buggy, faster leveling version with all the QoL that was added later. I understand, that if all those crazy attunements for all those dungeons were in classic, the player base would have dropped drastically. Many players now don’t seem like they have the patience. just look at all the complaints about the xpac meta achieves, the secret felcycle etc, that were nerfed to accomodate the impatient.

I don’t think i have logged into classic once and it is unlikely i ever will. Just like the classic players who don’t play retail or do it only a bit.

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