I seriously doubt that they do.
I’ve always had a problem with the “fake listening too, OP” kudos for pointing it out.
They front load them hard because of e sports. I don’t mean this in a tinfoil hat kind of way… I mean they purposely do that and we all know it.
If it was too easy it would be over too soon.
I can’t tell you how much money they make off of it but if it does make the money they don’t want it over in a day
Not to mention they want you to log in for raid. I question why they need to add so many mechanics as I would personally like to get a raid over in one month. But that’s not economic for them
Okay, I’ll try to stop.
It feels good tho, so it might take a bit.
This is not your game OP.
Patch comes out in 4 weeks. Realistically there are only three more weekends of testing. Not a whole lot of time to gather feedback.
100% this! You have to stop playing if you want change .
We are the test dummies and listening to players vs acting on the suggestions is totally different…again it’s there game they can do whatever they want with it…doesn’t mean we are going to like it.as long as we get upset and argue to them means ,because they know we will log in and try it anyway…it’s called REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY…,it’s all a trick to reel us in …and there very good at it because we keep falling for it…18years and counting…
Only the open world parts – the season is delayed another week after that. And while people will obviously complain if something isn’t perfectly tuned in week 1, it’s not really a fatal flaw, there’s a whole season available for ongoing adjustments if necessary.
IMO “just let them explode and heal through it” should not be a thing, and Blizzard should step on that as hard as necessary, such as adding non-dispellable debuffs on top of the damage or even a stun if that’s what it takes to get people to pay attention.
Affixes are mechanics – the whole point of the affix system is to make higher difficulties more difficult by having extra mechanics like Mythic raids, not just bigger numbers – and ignoring mechanics should never be the objectively right play. “I just want to faceroll my way to great rewards” is not the kind of player feedback Blizzard should ever listen to.
But an HP nerf and/or adding some kind of reward when the orb is successfully killed so it doesn’t too adversely affect overall kill time (damage buff to the group, vulnerability debuff to nearby mobs, whatever) might be worth looking into, if the orb HP is adversely affecting people’s ability to make time compared to affixes that challenge the group in other ways.
I mean… I’m going to be honest… if they did that and even worse made them non-LoSable… it wouldn’t just be a community perception thing anymore… explosive week would be an utterly dead key week.
It would actually be: Time a +21 the week before. Do 1 +20 on the explosive week, and log off.
How about… I’d like to… just have fun playing the game. How’s that for a request. To me, each week rolls in and I say to myself… ok, what am I going to have to deal with this week. Now I don’t know about you, but I feel like that should be the exact opposite of what they should be shooting for with affixes.
They front load them hard because the community embraces nerfs and revolts against buffs.
Notice SBG and CoS never being buffed despite them being out of balance.
More and more, I think explosive needs to work more like how Jaina works in End Time where an orb goes out and starts growing in power and needs stepped on (except actually tuned unlike TWing where it just obliterates the person). It should do a token amount of damage that increases for every second it is up. To make it more fair for melee and range, the orbs should rain down from the sky near players but only when in combat with enemies.
Switching the intended logic to “need” some real/actual DPS done to the orbs is really bad because that is multiple globals and resources pulled away and otherwise “dead”. Even giving an upside like letting the orb explode and hurt enemies or giving a buff sets a really bad precedent for other affixes to also have helpful side benefits and while I am on the side of this existing for a seasonal affix, I do not want to see all affixes turn into net positives. Affixes should be negative and actively hinder you and be a challenge to overcome. If you want groups to use enemy mechanics against them, it should be associated with the enemies themselves.
The funny thing is that people go. “Do these dev’s even play this game?” and everyone wonders the same thing.
I honestly don’t care what they do. Its going to be a bunch of drama where they’re completely oblivious to slowly realizing that something is wrong. lol nothing new.
My solution would have been to keep the seasonal affix but not use one where people need to chase others to clear theirs. Like the thundering this time around. Also add some more interesting ones, they’re lacking in creativity as usual.
Explosive has been a detriment to the game since it was introduced in legion. That they removed less intrusive affixes to introduce 2 more flavors of explosive and made actual explosive into the abomination it is on the ptr is the most out of touch things I’ve seen in this game in a very long time, perhaps ever. I’m primarily a m+ player, I’ve gotten ksm basically every season since m+ was a thing, but the affix changes last week are demoralizing to the point where I might just start raid logging or quit for a season.
Game modes are supposed to be fun, I’m tired of tedious unfun garbage like thundering and the new affixes being thrown in when the dragonflight dungeons already have plenty going on as is. I don’t want to spend 3 weeks out of every 5 being the affix player who doesn’t get to play the game because my job is to make sure my group at large can play the game while I deal with the arbitrary unfun random spawning garbage that will auto wipe us within 10 seconds of spawning. Especially since newer dungeons have things that do that baseline to begin with, and its just piling onto other things to be make awful overlaps.
And I see people saying it’ll get better, but this is strictly a thundering situation. Before during and after thundering was introduced the best feedback they got was to scrap it. First iteration of thundering was insultingly terrible, live thundering was barely acceptable, and all season it was the biggest complaint in an otherwise fine m+ season season, to the point that blizzard gave up on seasonal affixes even. These new affixes all reek of thundering design where affixes are meant to annoy and harass players instead of letting them put their focus on the dungeons themselves a certain amount of mental bandwidth has to be reserved to react to random garbage that happens to be at its worst in the most dangerous parts of a dungeon since all of the explosive style affixes spawn more in the big pulls where this kind of thing is at its most obtrusive.
The only feedback to be had here is to do an immediate scrapping of the new affixes and just put the old ones back until something better can be prepared. You know its bad when people would prefer quaking back.
The community equally revolts about the nerfs.
The community revolts for things they don’t even know what they’re complaining about
Haven’t seen many people upset when RLP and AV and such got nerfed.
How much do you think people would revolt if Blizzard buffed SBG and CoS?
It’s true though every change has its complaints
You’re right I forgot One word. I should have put needed after nerf
It’s kinda ironic cuz I was sad they removed seasonal afix. I liked the new thing every season even if sometimes they sucked.