This premade nonsense is breaking the game, pug av is completely broken with the amount of ally on discord doing premades. I’m sick of starting 15 v 40 knowing the game is lost before the gates even open.
Please stagger all alliance queues randomly 1-10 minutes, So people on discord can’t coordinate their queues. i’m willing to wait an extra few min to actually join a 40 man group willing to participate in the bg.
Please Blizzard, fix this.
I mean, you are willing to wait 10m, but wont put the effort in to join a discord so you can “coordinate”? Thats gonna be a yikes.
Either get organized or don’t.
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Creating artificial queues has got to be the worst suggestion yet. Not only is it dumb to make Ally wait longer for no reason but it will increase Horde queue times as well.
Those fast AVs alliance do is great honor and rep (if you still need it). But some people aren’t in pvp solely for the honor farm and enjoy the actual pvp experience and the premade experience isn’t going to give you that.
Not saying there’s anything to be done about it, but what I am saying is the idea of getting organized isn’t actually a solution for people who want to queue and have a more authentic random pvp BG experience.
Exactly this, I’m not looking for an 8+ hours a day rush to drek honor farm, I just want to have some balanced and fun games of AV.
what about join the discord and so you can stop crying about this? lol
So you want to wait even longer??
Imagine being so antisocial, that the idea of friends queuing bgs together is cause for complaints and forum threads.
Seek help, OP.
i dont find funny going in a pug full of ppl that never knows what to do and mostly this av’s ending with hordes farming you all the time before ending it lol
Imagine trying to pretend that the people queueing up for AV premades are all friends and aren’t being orchestrated through discord group forming.
Horde can’t even tell you’re a premade in AV.
Oh how nice it would be just to wait a few extra minutes, try waiting 50 minutes on Horde in the Oceanic community!
Ofc not every premades are friends, but some are guildies and irl friends.
Not understanding that nuance and immediately stating an extreme case where every premades are irl buddies is the worst form of being disengenuous.
That’s like saying your entire Horde 40 man raid groups camping one flight path are best friends and irl buddies. They’re not.
we called that world pvp and you can do it whenever you like, it’s the biggest reason to play classic and not nearly enough people are doing it anymore
Naw, instant queues are fine- our reward for not stacking a faction.
Lol, dude. You’re the one who went on the extreme end by taking the OP’s post and turning it into an antisocial friend hater. My response is a direct reflection of your post. Of course my post came off as disingenuous because YOUR post was disingenuous.
Mmm…I’m not. I don’t think anyone ever did either and to that extent dont hate the player hate the game…which is actually the same situation here to be honest. I’m not sure if Blizzard really should be doing anything about this just like they didn’t do anything about wpvp horde camping.
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ahh does th alliance not wanna play 24/7 to get rank 14?
Reading comprehension seems hard. But thats expected from a forsaken player.
As a wise person once said:
Seek help.