Please sir, may I have some more

Can Hunters benefit from all those sweet attack power buffs melee classes get? This would be a welcomed change in my opinion and maybe even push hunters up from a B tier DPS.

This might even things out a bit more so we don’t have raid groups of like 20 Warriors LOL.

Hey how about Hunter and Warlock pets get that avoidance buff reducing their AOE damage taken so they don’t die instantly in raids losing about 20% of their damage right off the bat.

While at it how about give Paladins a taunt at least so they can tank while leveling.

I mean… Come on. I don’t even play Alliance scum but give those filthy light bringers something else to do instead of auto attacking for 20 days played giggles.

If you have more good ideas post it peeps.

#nochanges make a warrior


No one asked you Andy.

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What’s with the blocks

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Sorry OP if you want to DPS you must play Warrior, Rogue, or Mage.

Buffing anyone else would break the classic experience.


not on fresh u wont :expressionless:

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this but unironically :expressionless:

Go to sleep Argentia you are here all day everyday, doesn’t it get tiring? I check randomly and you’re typing… it’s getting ridiculous at this rate.

Tell it to dual spec.