Please Save the (Horde) Pugs!

These early morning CN premades are too strong.

We got roflstomped so hard at SR. Nearly everyone left because it was clear we were completely outgunned. Our team actually dropped down to 11 players.

Please halp!



Such a weird thing to do, why do people enjoy premades in random BGs. It’s usually over in 2 minutes and a GY farm. Like…zero enjoyment.


It’s just an ally-based expansion for PVP - look at every ladder, 3-4x as many Ally at 1800+, 2100+ and 2400+ as there are Horde. And it will only continue to snowball as more Hordies become frustrated and hop over (which thanks to the super streamlined leveling can happen in an afternoon).

Maybe time to revisit racials as well as most ladders show about 50% of all chars being NE.




This actually happened the other night where a horde premade did not take the que first only to get backfilled into this IOC a couple minutes later.
8 horda!


“Guys, only 5 groups had synced queue pops. We need all 6 (or 7). EVERYONE DROP QUEUE!”


They actually sent a scout in this game which was the only reason they did not take q at first. Instead of waiting for the bg to be filled up completely, they requed right away only to get backfilled into that very game they tried to avoid in the first place…not a smart move on their part.
8 horda!


Which community did this?

easy solution would be to clone Mortality, or give him wake up call when the CN premades are rampant

I didnt know there were people queuing up in mornings, but I think, eventually, people will wise up and those premades will be taking much longer time for their fun to start.
personally, I still dont see the attraction, having played along premades more in last couple of weeks, most boring experience… also, not once against another premade.

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For some people the end of season is peak enjoyment, they’ll probably burrow away at the start of the new season when there’s a gear reset.

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I was on your team during this. it was a cluster

new people joined in and had the mentality of “why are you guys giving up, we can still win!!!”… with 10 mins left on the clock 0/0 vehicles

so we just vibed in a garden that someone found waiting out the rest of the game, i didnt even get honor for it

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Working as Intended. (shrug)

This is what I been saying all along… my only and main character is a horde because I enjoy warlocks so much, but we get completely demolished by way too many premade every day in pug bgs

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What? How does this make sense to you?

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of course it’s that loser.

The Field Army certainly does queue for a large part of the day. I think Wintergrasp Enthusiasts is no longer around to fight in the NA mornings so I’d imagine Horde pugs on farm.

Yeah idk either. They’ll say it’s for honor and all the rest of it but you’d think that after months upon months of doing that for multiple hours a day their honor levels wouldn’t still be so low

Same thing happened in alliance yesterday.
Alliance only have 25 ppl in winter grasp

Horde almost 40

We had to fight for 10 minutes before new members came in.

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From a roleplaying viewpoint, Horde races best suit locks, why would i play an ally? Even for pvp racials an orc or troll is best…

Undead or Blood Elves is the way

I still don’t understand.

There is lots of lore you could draw from about Alliance warlocks, you could be a “Sith” Mage…