Please save the AQ40 event

But Eagle…come on. It’s only 800,000 linen bandages.

I wouldn’t mind stockpiling as many bandages as possible. That’s a hell of a lot of bonus rep. xD

And just how are they going to stockpile this ?
stack size is 20, bag size is 16. Where are you gonna put 800,000 linen bandages and that is just one single item.

Plus you have alliance specific and horde specific so one guild cannot do it by themselves.

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Hey if you don’t mind can you spend the next few months in the starting zone farming… 90,000 copper bars.

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Well stockpile the right stuff…some give you 10 signets for turning.
Easy rep farming.’Qiraj

she also loved pvp…say what you want about that video but because of that video her memory will live on for a long time. They should be honored for this raid. She was dead, but the raid made her immortal I hope that when I die people hold a funeral for me in the game…and I hope the opposing faction comes and comes for a fight.< for anyone who hasn’t seen it.

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Yes sir. I’m right on it.

You’re entirely correct about the absurdity of trying to apply no changes to this. The goal of this entire project is to deliver the same experience that made us fall in love with WoW so long ago.

Players had no foreknowledge of what they’d be stockpiling prior to AQ40; they do now. THAT is the change. It needs to be undone.


I intend to stockpile everything possible. Actively doing fishing, herbalism and cooking, so that covers a lot of ground.

But this does beg the question, whether this should be possible. Already pre-emptive knowledge of a future event is going to affect my actions and mindset in Classic from day one. I already know to hang on to the linen cloth I start looting, etc etc.

Maybe altering the event slightly wouldn’t be a bad thing, because IMO that doesn’t entirely feel right.



Change the item ID on patch release so stockpiled items are irrelevant. Not hard to save


Okay I’ll mark you down for 96,000 peacebloom, 10,000 baked salmon, and 10,000 lean wolf steak

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Not saying I will reach those numbers but I will get as far as possible.

The linen bandages I’ll be able to start stockpiling as early as Classic Day One.

I’ve already commented on that. You cannot replicate a one time ever server event. We already know what happens so it will be different.

That’s like people wanting that plague to come back. You can’t get that back. It was a total fluke…a true one time experience.

All I hear is Mad Season saying … “COPPER BARS”.


Only 2.3 million bandages in total… nbd

That was the most public incidence I could think of.
Guilds on my server used to host PVP events “For fun” and the top guilds would almost always crash and ruin the event.

No, but you can try to keep things as close to the spirit of the original event as possible. There are already plenty of suggestions, but I wouldn’t mind seeing one of them implemented, much to the chagrin of the #NoChanges crowd.

As a warlock, do you know how quickly one can make a bandit camp wither and rot away like a piece of fallen fruit in the dank swamp…?

‘evil grin’

Let’s say that each raider, in a raiding guild, has 9 alts (assuming 1 account) with nothing but stockpile mats. Only using traveler backpacks (16 slot) +24 bank slots. Total of 184 total stacks per character(includes the standard backpack), or 3,680 per character. This would give them a total of 1,656 stacks per account, with only 9 characters stockpiling, so they can play their main.

Alliance need 2,262,000 stacks. Horde need 1,408,000 stacks. (using your numbers, I don’t know the numbers) Totaling: 3,670,000 stacks.

Given these numbers, it would take a MINIMUM of 2,217 (it was not an integer number, so rounded it up) accounts, with 9 alts stockpiling.

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If they are on a pvp server they can only choose 1 faction.

True. But, people like me, will have multiple accounts. I’m thinking of doing 2 at first, and getting 4 later. So I can have 2 alliance, and 2 horde accounts.