Please save BM by voting the right set bonuses

Absolutely. Make them PvPers happy.

My inner Kotick is telling me to charge gold for my S2 vote…

There aren’t many of them.

Honestly, I don’t know why people are able to vote more than once. For classes they don’t even play.


I’m voting for s3.

I don’t play a hunter at all and have no idea what it does.

Blizzard have said they’re going to rebalance the set bonuses that get picked, so you should be picking based on what you like, not just what does the most damage.

Yeah, I’m not sure why this decision was made to let us vote in the first place. All I can see is some dev thought it might be funny to have players blame each other for respective spots on the tier list

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And they’re completely correct. It is funny.

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You know what? True.
I’m waiting for the tweaks to trinkets the most :popcorn:

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Beast Mastery is SUPPOSED to be crap though. That’s why it’s called “BM”

Correct me if I am wrong by Marksmen don’t use pets?

Yes, but this is a thread discussing the beast mastery set bonus.

No, it is discussing which season to use. If that season is good for BM but not for Marksmen then of course they are going to vote for another season.

Each specs set bonus is chosen independently.


Oh, well then ignore me :slight_smile:

I did the same thing, I did that with all classes.

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Asking a community that contains two very distinct groups with completely opposing views to vote on math VS feels. What could go wrong?

One group panics over a 3% nerf or will farm a dungeon 300 times for a weapon with a +1% dps effect.

The other would rather have more pets or a buff a weaker spell

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Thanks for reminding me I’ll do that now. :rofl:

I boosted a BM hunter a few weeks ago, it’s honestly pathetic how much dps I do with such a braindead spec. BM shouldn’t be doing what they’re doing when it’s this simple.

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And here is a clear example of why you don’t let the forums have the choice. Blizzard has done this just for this then when BM is stuck with S3, and left in the dust they can just blame it on the players.